Thursday, 2 March 2017

Devisen Clearing Haus

Öl: Steigender US-Output knickt Post-OPEC-Gewinne Von Erik Norland 09. Januar 2017 Die Rolle der USA als Swing-Produzent könnte im Mittelpunkt des wiederauflebenden Ölmarktes stehen, da die OPEC-Produzenten die Produktion zur Steigerung der Preise senken. Sieben der bemerkenswertesten Handelstage von 2016 Durch Bluford Putnam Januar 04, 2017 Von den Resultaten der US-Wahlen zum OPECs Ausgangsschnitt, gab es sieben bemerkenswerte Handelstage letztes Jahr, dessen Effekte in 2017 plätschern konnten. Fed fördert Preise, mehr Wanderungen an Folgen Sie im Jahr 2017 von Bluford Putnam 15. Dezember 2016 Sehen Sie sich ein Video von CME Group Chief Economist Blu Putnam auf Futures-Institut diskutieren die Implikationen der Feds zweiten Rate Wanderung seit der Großen Rezession. Futures-Optionen TradingDinar Gurus Official Master Liste der möglichen Major To Dos: Verschoben auf Artikel VIII HCL passimp. Temp 112014 stimmte in Geist 12-2014 Erbil Vereinbarung Impl. Wahlrecht (DONE 122013) Kapitel 7 (Fertig. Sommer2013) Artikel 140 impl. (Done 102014) International anerkannter Dinar GOI Seated (Done 102014) Tarifrecht (teilweise) CBI amp Marktzinssatz innerhalb von 2-90 Tagen Dinar Gurus, die die Dinar wird langsam nach oben statt RV. Ich finde Ihre E-Mails faszinierend sie sind mit Leben und Energie gefüllt. Nur das Lesen gibt mir einen Schub. Frieden und Segen-D Dinar Guru Mitglied Sind Sie auf der offiziellen RV ALERT-Liste Der Dinar ist Aufheizen. Erhalten Sie nicht gefangen auf der Außenseite, die herein schaut. Klicken Sie auf die blaue Schaltfläche unten, um auf die offizielle Dinar RV Alert Liste. FREI und Sie erhalten offizielle RV Alerts, die neuesten Breaking Updates, spezielle Videos amp anderen Spaß Zeug von mir zu 1-12-2017 NewshoundIntel Guru Arthur Auf der Sicherheitsfront sehen wir massiven Fortschritt bis zu dem Punkt, wo viele glauben, die endgültige Befreiung Flagge Konnte schon Ende dieser Woche über das Zentrum von Mosul fliegen. Wir wissen auch, dass vor kurzem PM Abadi schloss die Grenze mit dem Iran und gab einen Blackout. Wenn wir bedenken, dass die UNCBI nicht über ihre üblichen Zeitpläne aktualisiert hat und dass wir jetzt gesagt werden, dass viele Banker leere Preise auf ihren Bildschirmen sehen, mit nur einer 800-Nummer für weitere Informationen, und dass vor wenigen Tagen der Elektrizitätsminister des Iran Die Unterzeichnung weiterer Verträge mit dem Irak verschoben, bis er die neuen Wechselkurse in Betracht gezogen habe und dass das irakische Budget 2017 mit einer 7-tägigen Verfassungsfrist für die Einreise in das Amtsblatt unterzeichnet worden sei, da wir nur wenige Tage entfernt sind Die Einweihung der neuen amerikanischen Führung, haben wir jetzt einen perfekten Sturm, um endlich sehen diesen Segen JEDEN TAG JETZT IMHO. 1-12-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana Ich glaube, dass die HCL eng mit vielen Dingen verbunden ist, weswegen sie nicht erfolgreich in der Vergangenheit bestanden werden konnte. Zu viele Dinge sind miteinander verflochten Dies ist keine Zauberstab Situation. Viele viele Faktoren sind Teil dieses komplexen Prozesses, und jedes Mal sehen wir einen positiven Artikel aus dem Irak über Versorgungsunternehmen, Handel, Regierung und eine Reihe von anderen Elementen haben, um für den Irak an RV zu kommen. Sie könnten nur RV heute, aber ohne ein wenig mehr Stabilität in ihrer Infrastruktur, könnte der Wert leicht abstürzen, bevor wir sogar zu Bargeld in. Niemand will, dass So wie intelligente und (manchmal) geduldig Investoren, sehen wir weiter und Wurzeln für den Irak . Unsere Geduld wird belohnt. Es ist nur eine Frage der Zeit. 1-11-2017 Intel Guru Delta. Am 8. Die CBI-Nachricht an alle Geldwechsler sendet. Wird das CBI nicht mehr an den Auktionen beteiligt ndash Das CBI übergibt die Versteigerungen an die Banken ndash (wie es sein sollte). Mit dem IBAN System. Geld kann in und außerhalb des Landes zu bewegen. Der Wechselkurs hat sich noch nicht auf der CBI-Website geändert. Aber die CBIrsquos Website noch zeigt 4. Januar 2017. Nur noch eins. Der Dinar muss sich ändern. Und diese Ankündigung muss vom CBI kommen. Sieht aus wie theyrsquove bekam das GRÜNE-LICHT. Bleibt nur noch der Wert anzuheben. Das CBI muss sich bewegen. Geben Sie die unteren Stückelungen frei. Von nun an bis Donnerstag wird interessant sein. 1-11-2017 NewshoundIntel Guru Arthur Vor zwei Tagen sahen wir eine CBI-Ankündigung für die Umwandlung von dem, was sie Onkel nennen, die wir übersetzt haben, bedeuten die großen Notizen im Irak und vielleicht sogar global. Wir haben dann gesehen, wie sie eine große Menge an Geld zu ihrer größten Bank transportieren, die sie behaupten, ihre über 2 Jahre lange schwere Liquiditätskrise zu beenden, und IMO wird diese massive Umwandlung von den oben erwähnten Onkeln zu ihren niedrigeren Nennwerten erleichtern und so das Löschen Nullprojekt planmäßig beginnen Anfang 2017. Beitrag 2 von 2 1-11-2017 NewshoundIntel Guru Arthur. Sehen wir mehrere wichtige progressive Bewegungen nur in den letzten Tagen, die Anlass zu viel Aufregung und Vorfreude geben. Iraqs IBAN (International Bank Account Number), dass jedes Land braucht, um internationale Banken und Handel, die im Dezember eingerichtet wurde in vollem Umfang am 2. Januar ging in den Irak die Fähigkeit, Banken und Handel mit der internationalen Gemeinschaft zu tun. Post 1 von 2 stay tuned 1-11-2017 Newshound Guru Stryker Es ist nur eine Frage von Tagen und wir werden wissen, ob die neue Rate in diesem Jahr Budget ist. 1-11-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana 2016 ist im Rückspiegel. Auf und ab Es dauerte eine Menge Dinge, die gegen Ende des vergangenen Jahres stattgefunden haben (nur wenige Wochen zuvor), und das Parlament tritt mit vielen Vorwärtsbewegungen auf. . Mein gegenwärtiger Optimismus hat mit dem zu tun, wie ich die Schildkröte, die auf dem Hasen in diesem Rennen gewinnt, langsam aber definitiv stabil. Tatsächlich kann das Budget bereits ratifiziert werden und an das Gazette nach diesem Artikel geschickt werden, und das ist vermutlich das SONNE, das sie überhaupt haben dieses getan haben Artikel: Masum genehmigt den Etat für steuerliche 2017 Tat und sendet sie zum offiziellen Gazette For Publikation Das, meine Freunde, ist ein echter Hardcore-Grund, positiv über die unmittelbare Zukunft zu sein 1-11-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Artikel: Der Irak nähert sich dem Ausstieg aus Kapitel VII Zitat: Im Falle des Irak aus Kapitel VII, könnte es das Gefrorene wiederherstellen Seine Vermögenswerte in ausländischen Banken um 50 Milliarden geschätzt grob, sowie in den Entwicklungsfonds für den Irak, die auch in der Lage sein wird, seine Geld-Management ohne internationale Vormundschaft, und wird es ihm wieder zu seinem Platz auf der Bühne international, wie ein Mitglied einer aktiven und einflussreichen in ihnen. Deshalb ist der Irak nicht um seine Reserven besorgt. An dem Tag, an dem die Vereinten Nationen sie offiziell von VII entfernen, wird der Irak die 50 Milliarden und alles, was im DFI übriggeblieben ist, erhalten. Die Irak-Reserven könnten in sehr kurzer Zeit auf 90 Mrd. oder mehr ansteigen. 1-11-2017 Newshound Guru mike Zentralbank unterstützt die internationale mathematische Zahl der IBAN I t wird. Transparenz für das irakische Bankensystem. Dies ist Teil dessen, was das US-Finanzministerium in Bagdad tut, wird es erheblich reduzieren die Finanzierung für den Terrorismus. 1-11-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 Wersquove suchte die Sicherheit von Mosul. Die Stabilitätssicherheit von Mosul ist besonders wichtig. 72, 72, 72 Stunden. Ich interessiere mich nicht, wieviel mehr Abadi will. Soll er sie haben. Das CBI muss sich sicher fühlen, die Rate freizugeben. IMO ndash Mosul Sicherheitsstabilität und die MR sind zusammengebunden. Aber nicht unbedingt der KEY zum MR. IMO ndash Baghdadi ist. Im mittleren Osten. Sie nehmen immer die Dinge auf die letzte Nanosekunde. Wir sind auf Kurs. 2017.01.11 Newshound Guru Schleife Artikel: Zentralbank kündigt die Einführung der internationalen mathematischen Nummer (IBAN) macht alle Umwandlungen IMO es ein anderer Teil der Löschung der Nullen ist die Prozess fallen in Platz. Sie werden in der Lage zu verfolgen, wo das ganze Geld geht auf internationaler Ebene, die sicherstellen, dass die Mittel nicht an jeden auf der schwarzen Liste gehen. 1-11-2017 Intel Guru Bruce Wir verstehen morgen Mittwoch ist alles im Budget. Das ist die Information über irakische Rechnungen, die verabschiedet wurden, all diese Gesetze, alle sollten in die Gazette am Morgen gestellt werden. Der Ratenwert des irakischen Dinars sollte im Budget liegen und im morgen Mittwoch im Gazette zu sehen sein. Mosul ist seit einiger Zeit befreit. Diese Fahne, die wir verstehen, hat in Mosul geflogen. Das Wissen in den Nachrichten ist nicht gekommen. Ich glaube, wir sind in einem Moment und Moment und bereit für einen Segen in sehr kurz kommen. Ich habe in diesem für 12 Jahre und didnrsquot denke, es dauert so lange, um so weit zu bekommen. Trotzdem bin ich sehr ermutigt, wo wir jetzt sind. Alles bewegt sich in die richtige Richtung für uns. Wir sind sehr antizipieren etwas passiert. Wir sind am Ende dieser Fahrt. 1-11-2017 Intel Guru ADMINBILL Cant halten Sie diese bis es fertig ist und das, worauf wir warten, ist die letzten Schritte, um alle Länder auf die Asset-Back-Gold-Standard. Ein Kontakt sagte Jabbari ist ekstatisch und der Kontakt sagte gestern, dass dies unmittelbar bevorsteht. Aller Wahrscheinlichkeit nach sehen wir die Aktivität eher als später. Vielleicht vor der Einweihung. Es kann nicht morgen oder das nächste, aber wir sind näher als ein Louisiana Frösche Haar. IMO. 1-11-2017 Newshound Guru rcookie Artikel: UN fordert echte Investitionsmöglichkeiten in Basra. DAMIT. DIE NEUEN UN GENERALSEKRETÄR GUTTERS TOWARD wirtschaftliche Investition CHANCEN IN BASRA Vorschieben und ÖFFNUNGS der private Sektor SPACE DURCH ERSTELLEN echte Chancen des Anziehens UNTERNEHMEN UND KAPITAL nach Basra den irakischen Sparkurs. UND eine globale Wirtschaftskonferenz sponsern und der Bundes GOVT ENGAGEMENT AKTIVIEREN und Unterstützung des Privatsektors und GARANTIE Rentenversicherungsansprüche für die WORKS VERTRAUEN ZUR FÖRDERUNG zu gewährleisten und gleichzeitig Beschäftigungsmöglichkeiten für junge Menschen in der Provinz. Sie attackieren IHRE Arbeitslosigkeits - und Armuts LEVEL FRAGEN auf der Weltbühne und GLOBAL AGENCY UNTERSTÜTZUNG. Holen Sie sich auf letzte Updates aktualisiert unten, und wenn Sie nicht ein dinarguru Warnung Liste jetzt ist eine tolle Zeit, es zu tun. Es ist wie immer frei und dauert nur eine Sekunde. I f Sie investiert in den Dinar und verbringen Sie Zeit auf der Website, die Sie nicht möchten etwas sehr wichtiges verpassen, weil Sie nicht auf der Liste. Klicken Sie hier um auf die Liste zu gelangen. 1-10-2017 Newshound Guru rcookie Artikel: Urgent unfehlbar billigen das Budgetgesetz 2017 Zitat:. Hat dieses Gesetz zur Genehmigung des Gesamthaushaltsplans der Bundesrepublik Irak für das Geschäftsjahr 2017 unter Bezugnahme auf die zur Veröffentlichung im Amtsblatt gesandt. 2017 HAUSHALTSGESPRÄCH GEHEN IN DIE GAZETTE. 1-10-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Zentralbank unterstützt die internationale mathematische Figur der IBAN ab 2. Januar 2017 S pectacular news. Seine Bedeutung für die Übertragung von Mitteln nach und aus dem Irak. Einen Schritt näher. 1-10-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 Es ist ein Problem aufgetreten. Die sie uns im Dezember erzählten. Akzeptiert. Und nun am 2. Januar umgesetzt. Die IBAN. Das CBI unterstützt den INTERNATIONAL-Prozess..IBAN ermöglicht es einer Bank, Transaktionen mit einer anderen Bank in einem anderen Land durchzuführen. INTERNATIONALE Transaktionen Derzeit befindet sich der Irak unter Sanktionen. Warum sollte IBAN ihre Zeit mit dem Irak verschwenden, wenn sie didnrsquot planen, um INTERNATIONAL zu sein Warum sind wir begeistert IBAN gibt internationale Bankkonto-Nummern. IBAN kann nicht mit einer PROGRAMMIERUNG verwandt werden Die Software in IBAN ist nur für INTERNATIONALE TRANSAKTIONEN. Sie sagen Ihnen etwas, ohne Ihnen die Rate. YET Wie ist Iraq mit IBAN mit einem Programm-Rate Es gibt KEINE RATE auf der CBI-Website. 1-10-2017 Intel Guru Bluwolf GUTEN BYE, FAREWELL, ADIOS. Was für viele jetzt geholt wurde, wird eine Realität sein. Wir warten auf die FINAL gehen (innerhalb von Stunden nach Quellen). Dies ist das Jahr des Jubiläums, des Überflusses, des Friedens, der Wahrheit und der Freiheit in allen Ebenen. Ich möchte Ihnen für das Reiten durch diesen Sturm mit mir danken. Glückliches neues Jahr und glückliche Reisen, Namaste Bluwolf. 1-10-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 Mosul ist angeblich bei 80 Prozent im Westen Osten. Das Parlament sucht die übrigen Minister, die gelöst werden sollen. Auf dem irakischen Fernsehen wurde das Budget genehmigt und auf dem Weg zur Gazette (wieder). Behauptet, dass es für die ganze Welt geöffnet werden. Ich werde immer noch gesagt, nach einem neuen Satz zu suchen, wenn das volle Budget freigegeben wird. Wir werden sehen. Die CBI-Website bleibt seit einigen Tagen unverändert. Hmmmmm 1-10-2017 NewshoundIntel Guru BGG. Artikel über die stark verschärfte Grenzkontrolle von Grenzen und Häfen in Bezug auf die Währungsumstellung aus ihren Grenzen. Ich denke, eine Menge Leute verpasst, dass man über die Grenzen der vergangenen Woche. Es war viel größer als das airplay, das es erhielt. Zeigt eine ernste Empfindlichkeit zur Währung, die außerhalb der Grenzen in einer unkontrollierten Weise umzieht. Welche Bettel die Frage - warum In Kontrast - die US-Sorgen nicht zu viel über die Währungsumstellung. Warum ist die Irak-Währungssensitivität so erhöht jetzt die Antwort ist einfach - sie haben uns bereits gesagt. 2017.01.10 Newshound Guru Enorrste Zentralbank unterstützt die internationale mathematische Abbildung der IBAN von 2 2017 Hier ab Januar ist das, was IBAN bedeutet: Die International Bank Account Number (IBAN) ist ein international vereinbarten System für die Bankkonten über nationale Grenzen hinweg zu identifizieren zu erleichtern Die Kommunikation und Verarbeitung von grenzüberschreitenden Transaktionen mit einem reduzierten Risiko von Transkriptionsfehlern. Daher ist dies ein wichtiger Schritt bei der Vorbereitung auf internationale mit dem Dinar gehen. Mit der Annahme des IBAN-Systems sagen sie, dass der Rest der Welt auf irakische Bankkontoinformationen zugreifen kann, wenn nötig. Dies ist eine große Öffnung und wird den Weg für den Eintritt in Artikel VIII und den internationalen Handel des Dinars aus meiner Sicht vorbereiten. 1-10-2017 Newshound Guru Mailman17 JETZT, MIT SAGT, SAGTE IN DEN ANDEREN, INSBESONDERE DAS NATÜRLICHE GAS. DAS IST, WARUM DIE WELTBANK IST DENKEN IRAQ IST EINE DER TOP 5 REICHESTEN NATIONEN IN DER WELT. WENN DAS QUALIFY, DASS SIE EINE RESERVE WÄHRUNG WERDEN KANN, WERDE ICH NICHT WAS. ABER WERDEN, DASS SIE STABILITÄT BENÖTIGEN. UND DAS IST, WAS SIE ARBEITEN. WENN ES KOMMT, WIRD DER DINAR WERDEN, WAS ES WURDE. UND LETS GESICHT, DAS US-DOLLAR IST ÜBERDRUCK IM MARKT, UND ES BLEIBT EINE RESERVE. NAHRUNG FÜR DEN GEDANKEN UND ALS IMMER. JMO. Pfosten 2 von 2 1-10-2017 Newshound Guru Mailman17 LÄSSE VERGESSEN EINS ZWEITES ÜBER IRAQS GOLD, NATÜRLICHES GAS UND ÖLE. ALBEIT DIESE SIND SEHR WICHTIGE RESSOURCEN ZU HABEN UND SIE HABEN PLENTY OF IT. DAS PROBLEM IST DASS VIELE VERGESSEN DEN VERGANGENEN NACHRICHTEN FÜR IRAQ. PHOSPHORUS IST EIN ELEMENT, IN VERBINDUNG VON VIELEN DINGEN, INSBESONDERE STAHLPRODUKTEN UND WICHTIGSTEN MEDIZINEN. AS BERICHTETE JAHRE AGO. Die Welten SUPPLY dieser sehr wichtigen ASSETCOMMODITYMATERIAL auf einem niedrigen WAS VOM 15. Iraqs PHOSPHORS RESERVE genügt, dass NUMBER ZU HOLEN AUF 10 100 WENN ES, die wichtig ist, als die anderen VERMÖGEN SIE i-Tüpfelchen zu besitzen. Post 1 of 2 stay tuned 1-10-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 Es scheint ein EXCITEMENT für den neuen Präsidenten kommen und die alte verlassen. Wersquove hatte sicherlich unsere Tage der Verzögerungen mit Obama und Maliki. Itrsquos Zeit, um voranzukommen. Wir fühlen in unseren Herzen, dass es einen Plan gibt. Abadi wird in DC um den 20. für Trumps Einweihung sein. Abadi ist nicht nur für die Einweihung kommen. Ich denke, Abadi wird für 3-4 Tage bleiben. Medien abgeschaltet werden. Diese Treffen werden viel mit der Sicherung zu tun haben. Noch einmal, ich donrsquot kennen das Datum. Ich donrsquot suchen Sie nach einem Datum. Ich donrsquot Obacht, wenn es in Februar März geht. Ach je. Frank sagte FebMar. Das RV kann zu jedem möglichem Datum geschehen. Es gibt kein Datum. Der Irak ist ein souveränes Land. BTW ndash die USA glaubt nicht, irgendeinem Land (das an ihrem MR arbeitet) ein Milliarde Dollar Darlehen zu glauben, wenn sie nicht daran interessiert sind, den Wert ihrer Währung zu erhöhen. Oder eine LOP. 1-10-2917 NewshoundIntel Guru BGG Artikel: Zentralbank kündigt die Annahme der internationalen mathematischen Zahl (IBAN) macht alle Conversions Das ist eine große Neuigkeit. Ihre IBAN Vereinigung ist ein sehr großer Umzug. Sieht aus, als könnten wir den Beginn der internationalen Re-Integration bald sehen. 1-10-2017 Newshound Guru rcookie ERHIELT EIN WHOPPER FÜR YA. Artikel: Zentralbank kündigt die Verabschiedung der internationalen mathematischen Zahl (IBAN) macht alle Konvertierungen. Einführung der internationalen Bankkontonummer (IBAN) im Irak. DIESES IST GROSSE NACHRICHTEN, WEIL IBAN EIN TEIL IHRER ARBEITSBANKEN ÜBERWACHUNG FÜR VIELE VERLOREN IM IWF GEFÜHRT HAT. UND HEUTE. BOULYAAAH ABSOLUT. HUGE 1-10-2017 IntelNewshound Guru Mnt Ziege Was ist die nächste Phase, die Sie zu mir erwähnen, wird es entweder geschehen oder sein nicht. Es ist nicht alles über einige magische Datum, wenn jemand einen Auslöser zieht und. WAMO seine alles besser und jeder ist stinkreich nicht, aber stattdessen die ldquoproject die Nullen zu deleterdquo hat viele Komponenten zu implementieren und wie Dr. Shabiib gesagt hatte uns im Jahr 2011, dass der Aufwand ist eine mehrjährige, einen 5 Jahres-Aufwand. Dann sagten sie uns wieder zu Anfang 2015, dass es eine 2-jährige Bemühung war (dh drei Jahre vergangen und zwei weitere blieben). Dann Ende 2015 gesagt, dass sie uns ein weiteres Jahr blieb (Bedeutung 4 Jahre waren vergangen, und ein weiteres Jahr blieb), und wir sollten in der frühen 2017. 2017.01.09 NewshoundIntel Guru BGG danach suchen. Wiedereingliederung. Ist das dasselbe wie Neubewertung. Sind wir noch glauben, dass sie um .90 gleich 1 Dinar zu beginnen mit Thats nicht genau das gleiche. Re-Integration ist mehr wie ein Begriff, den die internationale Gemeinschaft verwendet, um diesen Schritt zu beschreiben, um den Irak mit dem Rest der Welt wirtschaftlich wieder zu engagieren. Es ist wahrscheinlich irgendwann um die gleiche Zeit werden sie das Projekt starten, um die 3 Zero-Noten zu entfernen, wie sie immer wieder umrissen haben. Die Anfangsphasen dieses Projekts werden wahrscheinlich eine gewisse Veränderung des Wertes des Dinars einschließen. Dies ist die Bühne die meisten hier sind nach - aber es gibt noch viel mehr zu folgen. Es wird mehr und mehr spannend durch den Tag. 1-9-2017 Newshound Guru Mailman17 WIR SIND NIEMAND IN DER GROSSEN SCHEME DER DINGE. DAS DURCHSCHNITT IRAQI HAT SQUAT IM DINAR. UND WENN SIE TUN, WERDEN SIE MIT EINER OPTION DURCH DIE BANKEN IM IRAK ANGEFÜHRT WERDEN, UM IHRE VORSCHRIFTEN ZU ENTSCHEIDEN. SOWEIT WIR WERDEN KONZERIERT WERDEN, WIR WIR AUCH MIT DEM FAIR LIEGEN WERDEN, MIT DEN BANKEN MEHR ALS UNSERE KAUTION ZURÜCKZUFÜHREN UND UNSERE MESSVORSCHLÄGE, DIE IN DEN U. S. AUSLÄNDISCHEN WÄHRUNGSRESERVIERUNG GEHEN. DER BETRAG DES DINARES AUSSERHALB DES IRAQ WURDE IN IHNEN UND IRAQ WERDEN FEIN, DASS ES EINE VIELBARE RESERVE WIRD, DIE VON ANDEREN LÄNDERN VERWENDET WIRD. . LETS SEHEN, WAS TRANSPIRES. Das Ende dieser Fahrt ist weitestgehend. WIE IMMER. JMO UND IM RAHMEN DER IRAQS STATED FINACIALS. SCHAUEN SIE IN DER VERGANGENHEIT. ES IST DA. IHR FEIN. Post 2 von 2 1-9-2017 Newshound Guru Mailman17 DAS IRAQI DINAR HAT UND IMMER WURDE EINGESTELLT, EINE RESERVE WÄHRUNG ZU SEIN. DAS U. S. BRITAIN UND DER PARIS-KLUB NICHT ZU ERKENNEN IRAQS NACHTEILE KÖNNEN NUR BENEFIT DURCH HOLDING DER DINAR ALS RESERVE. DIE MERE TATSACHE DER US-DOLLAR IST NOCH IMMER EIN RESERVIERTES WÄHRUNG IST MIND BOGGLING. SIE ADDIEREN SIE ES. WENN SIE IHREM M0 ODER M2 GLAUBEN, IST DAS HOHE AUSSERHALB DES IRAKS OHNE FASCHUNG IN DIESER MEISTEN WELT 80 VON DIESER NUMMER IST DURCH AUSLÄNDISCHE REGIERUNGEN HELFEN, DANN HABEN SIE EINE SCHRAUBE LOSEN. SIE HABEN NUMEROUS ZEITEN MIT 2 SATZEN VON BÜCHERN GEKAUFT. HINZUFÜGEN HINZUFÜGEN IRAQS M0 UND M2 ABBILDUNG IM VIRTUELLEN WÄHRUNG GUT. ZAHLEN AUF EIN BUCH, NICHT AKTUELLER PHYSIKALISCHER WÄHRUNG. DIESES IST UND IMMER WAR MEHR ALS WIR KÖNNEN IMAGIEREN BEI DER AUSZAHLUNG. Post 1 von 2. Aufenthalt abgestimmt 1-9-2017 NewshoundIntel Guru Bluedog NOCH WAITING FÜR DIE WACHE, IN WASHINGTON ZU ÄNDERN, ALS ICH GLAUBE SEIT NOVEMBER LETZTES JAHR UND SEIN KÖNNEN. DANACH. WATCH WAS PASSIERT IMO. IMO NICHTS NACH DEM 20. UND DANN, GUT CBI HAT DAS DATUM. SIE SIND EIN SOVERIGN-LAND UND DIE WELT REVOVLES AROUND IRAQS MOVE. ES WURDE GEPLANT. ALLE ANDEREN KÖNNEN KÖNNEN UND IN DIE POSITION ERHALTEN, ABER WIR ALLE KENNEN EINE PLANUNG VON JAHREN. IMO. 1-9-2017 Newshound Guru Shredd Artikel: Central Iraq unterstützt die Währung löschen die Nullen Dinar Great, um zu sehen, dies ist noch auf Kurs. Die ersten Schritte könnten sehr sagen, was wir erwarten können. 1-9-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 Zitate aus Artikeln: Zentralbank: Streichung von Nullen Anfang 2017 Der Gouverneur der irakischen Zentralbank auf die Stichworte, dass Projekt, um die Nullen zu löschen, wird Anfang 2017 implementiert werden. Er fügte hinzu, dass die Bank arbeitet an Mechanismen für die Durchführung des Projekts, wird es voraussichtlich zu Beginn des Jahres 2017 beginnen. Starten Sie Prozeduren, um drei Nullen aus der Währung 2017 zu löschen. Ihr Ziel ist, dies zu Beginn des Jahres 2017 nicht später tun. Ich denke um den ersten Juni, wo sie herauskamen und sagten, wir werden all dies abbrechen. Aber ich sage dir was. Wir werden dies in den frühen Teil von 2017 zu tun. Wir werden abholen, wo wir aufgehört haben. Es gab viele Gründe. Die Stabilität und Sicherheit unseres Landes ist schrecklich. Wersquove wurde von DAASH eingedrungen. Und hier ist eine andere Sache. Und das ist der tiefe Teil. Legal wir canrsquot erhöhen den Wert unserer Währung in der Mitte eines Jahres. Wir tun es am Anfang des Jahres 2017 1-9-2017 Newshound Guru MadDScout Meine Erwartung ist, was das Parlament auf seiner Sitzung zu kommen. Dieses ist chock voll. Und dies ist die Abadis-Chance, sich nach den Berichten dem Parlament zu erlösen. Minister. 3 im Augenblick. Innen-, Verteidigung und Finanzen 1-9-2017 Newshound Guru tlm724 Artikel: Central Iraq unterstützt die Währung löschen den Nullen Dinar. Die CBI hat uns umfangreiche Informationen jährlich über das Projekt gegeben. Zuerst sagen sie, wir haben ein grünes Licht und dann widerrufen sie sagen, wir arent ganz fertig noch, weil es wahr war, sie werent bereit. Ich freue mich für 2017 und alle Versprechen hält es. Wir haben das Glück, täglich lesen und lernen zu können, und mit ein wenig Verständnis bekommen wir ein ziemlich gutes Bild darüber, was der Irak tut. Wir wissen, sie haben und sind die Schritte, die von der CBI, um dieses Projekt ein für alle Mal gestartet. Das Parlament soll seine Sitzungen am 10. Januar oder danach wieder aufnehmen. Wir müssen ein paar Gesetze sehen, die revidiert und umgesetzt werden, um einen reibungslosen Übergang zu einer freien Marktwirtschaft zu gewährleisten. Und noch wichtiger ist, dass wir die wirtschaftlichen Gesetze sehen müssen, um ihren Reichtum zu schützen. Sie wissen genauso gut wie ich, dass der IWF, die Weltbank und das US-Finanzministerium ihre Hände im Irak-Sparschwein haben und dass sie den Irak nicht damit belegen wollen, da ist zu viel auf dem Spiel. 1-9-2017 NewshoundIntel Guru BGG Guru RCookie sprach über. Ein sehr interessanter Artikel. RCookies Artikel sprach mit dem Grenzübertritt Schub, um Währungsschmuggel zu regulieren - meine nehmen IMHO - sie wollen nicht unautorisierte Währungsumrechnungen außerhalb des Landes. Fragen Sie sich, warum sie immer bereit sind, ihre Währung neu zu bewerten. Sie haben uns so viel erzählt. In einer Reihe von verschiedenen Möglichkeiten. Ich bin misstrauisch die äußere Nummer ist die, die sie am meisten betroffen sind. Warum sollten sie uns sagen, weil sie nicht interessieren, wenn Sie wissen. Sie arent sprechen mit Ihnen und I. Und Shabibi hat gesagt - sie würden ihre Leute, die bis zu diesem Eventstart des Projekts führen zu erzählen (zu erziehen). 1-8-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 Es wird mitgeteilt, um nach dem Budget zu suchen, das im Gazette in den kommenden Tagen veröffentlicht wird. Das irakische Fernsehen berichtet eine bevorstehende Realisierung oder Turn-of-Events in Mosul am Sonntag. Ich bin jetzt bis zu 13 US-Banken, 1 Credit Union und vier Devisen-Unternehmen offen akzeptiert den irakischen Dinar, wie jede andere international akzeptierte Währung. Es gibt wahrscheinlich mehr da draußen, Im nur teilen, was mir gemeldet wird. 1-8-2017 Newshound Guru Schleife Artikel: Detection Network Besuch Smart Cards Finanzen beschlagnahmt 1,5 Milliarden Dinar Zitat:. In Koordination mit den zuständigen Behörden wurden auf einer der Bandenmitglieder gefangen und die Einführung von geeigneten Beamten vor Gericht und die notwendigen rechtlichen Schritte gegen die Schuldner zu ergreifen. Verbrechen zahlen nicht mehr im Irak. Es ist sehr offensichtlich geworden, dass die GOI Strategien zur Bekämpfung der Korruption umgesetzt und die Täter vor Gericht gestellt hat. Wir sehen Artikel fast jeden Tag, dass dies zeigt. 1-8-2017 Intel Guru ADMINBILL Es gibt und war sehr reale und positive Bewegung in der letzten Woche, die ein Indikator für mich und andere ist, dass das RVGCR Projekt einem Niveau der Tätigkeit, die wir nicht in der Vergangenheit gesehen haben, nähert. Diese Woche wird wahrscheinlich mehr und mehr spannende Nachrichten zu sehen, wie wir zum Abschluss mit positiver Bewegung im Irak, Vietnam und anderen Ländern, die wir kennen gelernt haben im Laufe der Jahre zu marschieren. Dies ist keine Garantie für die Veranstaltung wird vor der Amtseinführung von Präsident Elect Trump abgeschlossen sein. Weil wir nicht wissen, was der eigentliche Zeitpunkt dieses Ereignisses ist bis zum heutigen Tag. 1-8-2017 Newshound Guru rcookie Jordanian-Iraqi Business Forum wird am Rande des erweiterten Treffens am Montag stattfinden, um Möglichkeiten zur Stärkung der wirtschaftlichen Zusammenarbeit und Joint Ventures zu diskutieren. SO ABADI MET MIT EROGAN AUS TÜRKEI GESTERN. UND HAT JORDAN PM TOMORROW MIT EINER WIRTSCHAFTLICHEN TAGESORDNUNG. 1-7-2017 Newshound Guru mike Irak ist, wenn Im ein wettender Mann, ungefähr 50 Jahre von sogar seiend eine Reservewährung. Die Lage des Irak ist auch anders, weil die Mehrheit ihres Einkommens von Petro-Dollar abgeleitet ist. Diese Dollars werden benutzt, um Dinare vom CBI durch das MoF zu kaufen und verwendet, um ihre Rechnungen und Gehälter zu zahlen. Jede übrig gebliebene Person wird vom CBI absorbiert und wird Reserve. Das ist Irak-Problem jetzt seit zwei Jahren, theyre Ausgaben mehr als sie machen und die Reserven sind cannabalized, weil es. Es gibt Länder um den Irak. Kuwait, Saudi-Arabien, Katar und Jordanien. Whove hatte aktive Volkswirtschaften und stabile Regierungen seit Jahren und theyre nicht sogar schnüffeln Reservewährungstatus. Beitrag 2 von 2 1-7-2017 Newshound Guru mike Irak kann den Dinar nicht als Reservewährung benutzen. Es gibt nur sechs Währungsreserven in der Welt, den US-Dollar, Euro, Pfund Sterling usw. Die Definition einer Reservewährung ist: Eine Reservewährung (oder Ankerwährung) ist eine Währung, die von Regierungen und Banken in erheblichen Mengen gehalten wird Institutionen im Rahmen ihrer Devisenreserven. Die Reservewährung wird häufig in internationalen Transaktionen verwendet und wird oft als eine harte Währung oder Safe-Haven-Währung betrachtet. Umzug in Artikel VIII nicht eine Währung als eine Reservewährung betrachtet werden, nimmt es eine große Wirtschaft mit einer stabilen Regierung, die eine bewährte Wirtschaftsgeschichte der Stabilität sowie kombiniert hat. Post 1 von 2. stay tuned 1-7-2017 Newshound Guru rcookie Artikel: Teil der Delegation, um mit dem japanischen Botschafter Wasit Fumio Iwai zu treffen Zitat: Wasit lädt japanische Unternehmen zu investieren, wie chinesische und russische. DIE IRAQIS HABEN DAS TEIL IST UND DAS INTERESSE ANGEWENDET UND DAS POTENZIAL FÜR DIREKTE AUSLÄNDISCHE INVESTITION IN IHREM LAND FÖRDERN. UND ANERKENNUNG VON RECHTSVORSCHRIFTEN FÜR DFI, DIE IN IHRER NÄCHSTEN MARKTWIRTSCHAFT ERFAHREN. DIE IM WIRTSCHAFTSVERKEHR FINANZIERT WERDEN WIR WARTEN. ABGESCHLOSSEN IM PARLAMENT. 1-7-2017 Intel Guru ADMINBILL Wir hatten einige interessante Informationen gestern, die uns zu der Annahme geführt haben, dass dieses Wochenende ein großes Potenzial für uns hat, in einem Post-RV-Umfeld voranzukommen. Bisher hängen wir noch mit großer Hoffnung durch das Wochenende. 1-7-2017 IntelNewshound-Guru Mnt-Ziege Artikel: Eine Einladung zur Unterstützung des Dinars und zur Stärkung seiner Kaufkraft Zitat: Wirtschaftswissenschaftler Dr. Essam Mahouelle nannte das Jahr 2017 das Jahr, um die Kaufkraft des Dinar lsquos zu stärken und das Vertrauen zu stärken Die Landeswährung. Der die Souveränität des Irak repräsentiert und gleichzeitig die Notwendigkeit einer Einschränkung der ausländischen Geschäftsbeziehungen in Dollar vermerkt. Sie sagen uns, dass sie insgesamt die Nachfrage nach dem US-Dollar für IRGENDEINE REASON WHATSOEVER verhindern müssen. Kann es klarer als diese. Sie wollen unter dem Dinar arbeiten und nicht den Dollar. 1-6-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 Es gibt kein Intel neben 12 Banken, drei Börsenzentren und eine Kreditunion jetzt an Bord mit Dinar. Der Irak-Haushalt ist noch nicht im Gazette. Itrsquos dort gemacht, wir sind nur auf der Suche nach der vollständigen Freisetzung der Neubewertung. Selbst sie (irakische Kontakte) sagen, sie donrsquot wissen, warum es hasnrsquot für die Öffentlichkeit, einschließlich der Gazette veröffentlicht wurde. 1-6-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni. Der Dinar geht nicht zu einem Cent über Nacht. Es wird allmählich steigen und somit kann das CBI die Geldmenge von Billionen auf Milliarden gleichzeitig reduzieren. 1-6-2017 Newshound Guru mike Wie es heute steht, hat der Irak, aus Argumentationsgründen, irgendwo zwischen 40 und 60 Billionen Dinaren auf M0. Bei 1184-1, das ist etwa 40 bis 50 Milliarden Dollar der Währung. Bei 1184-1, das ist 100 Abdeckung mit Irak aktuellen Reserven. Allerdings, wenn Sie den Wert des Dinars zu erhöhen, sagen wir, ein Dutzend, jetzt haben Sie die gleichen 40-50 Milliarden in Reserven für 6 Billionen Dollar. Das ist nicht genug. . 1184 und ein langsamer Aufstieg. Wie lange das dauert, ist anyones Vermutung, aber, meiner Meinung nach, wird es nicht schnell geschehen. Ich meine, wie könnte es Die Geldversorgung ist das Problem, wenn der Irak bewegt sich auf Artikel VIII sie haben noch die gleichen 40-60 Billionen aus. Das erste, was wir wissen müssen, ist, dass M0 Geldversorgung Die Definition variiert leicht, aber es kocht auf, wie viel Geld in einer Volkswirtschaft oder Währungsumlauf und Sichteinlagen verfügbar ist. Dieses ist das Fett für irgendeine Wirtschaft, sein, was Sie und ich in unseren Brieftaschen haben und Konten überprüfen. Also, wo bekommen wir diese Zahlen bekam ich sie von der Zentralbank des Irak. Das sagt mir, dass der Irak etwas mehr als 60 Billionen Dinar im Umlauf hat. 1-6-2017 IntelNewshound Guru Mnt Ziege. Parlament kommt morgen wieder in die Sitzung und sie haben uns gesagt, dass sie jetzt 30 Gesetze haben, die auf eine abschließende Abstimmung warten. Diese Gesetze beeinflussen alle Aspekte der Wirtschaft, des Rechtswesens und des Kampfes gegen Korruption und Terrorismus. Sie betonen auch das Versöhnungsgesetz und seine Auswirkungen. Also wissen wir, das ist sehr wichtig für den Irak zu. Viele dieser für eine parlamentarische Abstimmung in den Flügeln wartenden Gesetze sind mit dieser Versöhnung verbunden und müssen zusammenfallen, um sie erfolgreich zu machen. So wird es alles bald zusammen kommen. 1-6-2017 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke Wir wollten Ihnen ein schnelles Update geben. Wir glauben nicht, dass dieses Wochenende vom 7.-9., Produzieren wird, was Sie alle suchen. Einiges hat sich in den letzten Tagen deutlich verändert. Über 2016: Die letzten 2 Wochen im Dezember 2016 produzierten öffentliche Mittel außerhalb des Landes des Irak, mit einer Handvoll bemerkenswerter, glaubwürdiger Banken, die neu am Ampelaustausch den Dinar - das ist wirklich Big - handeln. Aber ohne eine wesentlich erhöhte Rate, leider. Noch. . Weve kommen jetzt zu verstehen, wie tief verborgen einige der wahren Tatsachen sind. Und die zunehmende Falschheit von vor allem All PUBLIC MEDIA, wie Nachrichten Artikel, Fernsehen Berichte, Public Statements und vieles mehr. Von denen NONE vertraut werden kann. In unserer. Meinung, wie von jetzt, alles kann passieren. Also, mit diesem Teil der Informationen getan, weil unsere Arbeit hier jetzt abgeschlossen ist. Wir könnten einige Termine da draußen werfen, die wir fühlen, sind bedeutsam, aber wir würden das nicht tun. Also, gut verlassen Sie mit diesem. Erinnere dich an eine Weile zurück, wenn wir erwähnt April Halten Sie ein Lächeln auf Ihr Gesicht, und wissen, dass es zu jedem Zeitpunkt passieren könnte. 1-6-2017 Intel Guru ADMINBILL DIE NACHRICHTEN TONIGHT DONNERSTAG IST SEHR STRANGE ABER AUCH SEHR KOMFORT. DURCH STRANGE I MEAN UNERWARTET, ABER POSITIV. ES DEALS MIT PERSÖNLICHEM GESCHÄFT SO ICH NICHT WOLLEN, ES ZU TREFFEN, ABER ICH BIN MEHR ÜBER UNSEREN PROSPEKTEN DIESEN MONAT ALS EVER. DIE INFORMATIONEN, DIE VON BANKING QUELLEN KOMMEN, IST EIN STARKER ANZEIGER, DASS SIE ERWARTEN, NICHT ANTIZIPIEREN, AKTION BALD WERDEN. WIRD ES SEINE DIESE WOCHE ODER POST INAUGURATION IST JEDERMANN. 1-6-2017 NewshoundIntel Guru BGG. Jeder (ich eingeschlossen) hat unter dieser Voraussetzung betrieben, dass sie uns nicht erklären würden. Wie sein großes Geheimnis. the WHALES would sweep in and buy up Iraq for pennies on the dollar. WHO WOULD THE WHALES BUY IT FROM the amount of Dinar in circulation outside of Iraq is a set number - they could care less who owns it. me - you - the guy down the street. its all the same to them. these articles they are printing are for their own people and their own purposes. Nothing to do with us. we are actually the little fish in this whole play. the currency re-integration is NOT THE BIG PLAY HERE. Big time traders will make money on this the same way they always do - by trading once this new market goes digital and is accessible. and the big play is the wall of investment capital Iraq will get hit with once this happens. Once they are fully re-integrated in the world economy - THIS IS THE REAL PLAY. The first few days on the ISX after their currency is international is going to be facinating. Could be the biggest single movement in this whole happening. 1-6-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 . not to see the budget on the 31st was disappointing to me. but now. I understand why. executive orders. itrsquos ok. Irsquom very glad that they didnrsquot open it up with a program rate ndash a program rate would have been an insult. They are INTERNATIONAL. and now they need to act like it with their currency. 1-5-2017 Newshound Guru Enorrste Article: Central Iraq supports the currency delete the zeros dinar . regarding those factors that affect the value of a currency, the biggest item was left out of that article: reserves. Iraq has over 100 coverage of its currency in reserves, or nearly so, and this is head and shoulders above any other currency in the world. It is because of this that Saleh could say, years ago, that the dinar would become a world reserve currency itself. By making this statement he was clearly indicating that the dinar would be strong BECAUSE of its reserve position . I will restate my position from the past, I believe that the strength of the dinar, on the one hand, and the fact that this is a unique opportunity, on the other hand, will cause the value of the dinar to rise rapidly, irrespective of Iraqs current economic position and security situation. The simple fact is that this will be a huge buying opportunity (similar to buying Google or Facebook) when it comes to the market, and, contrary to their statements today, most astute investors will see the potential and climb on board quickly. Furthermore, once they see ANY significant rise in value more and more people will climb on, including those of us who have held dinar for years. That is my two cents worth (about 200 dinars). 1-5-2017 Newshound Guru FrostyTheSnowman Friday is an Iraqi HOLIDAY . known as Armed Forces Day which celebrates the 96th ANNIVERSARY of the activation of the Iraqi Army on Jan. 6, 1921. 1-5-2017 Newshound Guru mike . well have a bunch of options once this currency is in Article VIII , it will still be an exotic currency like the Saudi Riyal and Kuwaiti Dinar, but at least it will be internationally accepted. 1-5-2017 Newshound Guru Enorrste . is my understanding. while under article XIV the dinar is not internationally tradable as we would normally use the term. It is true that one can buy physical dinars, but the dinar is not traded on any exchanges as we normally think of that term . Second, being under article XIV. also offers Iraq legal protection against lawsuits. It is this protection that, effectively, stalls any significant trade between Iraq and the rest of the world. The big players wont take the risk if they dont have some recourse legally. Deswegen. practically speaking getting out of Article XIV and into Article VIII is nearly necessary before anything will happen to the value of the dinar . 1-5-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni ...the dinar is legal tender and internationally convertible now. It is just that the CBI is under Article XIV that makes banks shy away from engaging with the CBI and dinar (because it is risky and banks by nature are usually conservative ) . That is a choice for banks to make. Article VIII simple means that the CBI has met a level of compliance and international standards under the IMF. Which then would be much more inviting for banks to want to engage with Iraq. 1-5-2017 Newshound Guru rcookie Article: The return of power to the center of Ramadi Quote: The Ministry of Electricity announced the delivery of electrical power to the city of Ramadi, the center and the regions of Sufism and Khalidiya . where there is electricity, there is ATM machines running, computers going, banks going . AGREED. AND THIS IS FROM AN AREA THAT WAS REPORTED MORE THAN 90 DESTROYED. 1-5-2017 Newshound Guru loop So did anyone notice on the cbi site the indicative rate changes from 11801182 to 11821184 I would not hang my head. over a two dinar downward shift in value and conversely I would not sing out from the rooftops over a two dinar upward shift. I am expecting a much larger shift and the news seems to indicate that we will see it. 1-5-2017 NewshoundIntel Guru Bluedog Article: Iraq: We started to implement measures to reduce crude production from the beginning of 2017 Quotes: Iraqi Oil Minister Ali Jabbar Hussein Allaibi announced on Thursday that Iraq has begun to reduce the national production of crude oil with the beginning of the new year 2017 procedures, in line with the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) decision. He explained that the decision to cut oil production is to address the decline in oil prices in the global market and the problem will no longer needed if the producers to achieve the goals . Sounds like Iraq is dealing behind the scenes. and they are keeping us out of the loop. OUTSIDE OPEC. WOW 1-5-2016 Intel Guru Frank26 Abadi said that in the beginning of 2017. was to OPEN the economic relations in Iraq to the INTERNATIONAL world They have a targetedcalculated date for the MR. (monetary reform). IMO. they know the date. and they need to accomplish this in the MOOKLA of 2017. They donrsquot hide the budget FROM us. they hide it FOR us. To finish the security stability. to reach the 57-58 for the budget. Delta said that they are hovering oil around 57-58. What would 60 and above mean That would wipe out their deficit. The GOI and the military are using the same strategy hellip because IMO. they have the same leader. (Abadi). and they have the same goal. To add value. not just their currency. but their country that is filthy rich The CBI is more than ready to release the rate. post 2 of 2 1-5-2016 Intel Guru Frank26 On Tuesday. Guru Delta called me. and told me that the President of Iraq. used an Executive Order to POSTPONE the budget. I was expecting to see it on the 31st. Delta said that if it came out with a NEW RATE we would be happy. BUT if it came out with a PROGRAM RATE. it would send the wrong message. it would not impress the INTERNATIONAL world. . he doesnrsquot want to release it. because there is a new rate in it. This also came from the High Council of Ministers. The budget doesnrsquot need to be approved or passed. it NEEDS TO BE PROTECTED Abadi comes out. says he needs 72 hours. and he wants another 72 hours more. Why Mosul. Give me Mosul. yoursquoll see the MR. That mantra hasnrsquot changed. Damit. we have a HOLD on the budget. Stability and security are now the main focus . MOOKLA Security Stability CBI releasing a rate. post 1 of 2. stay tuned 1-5-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 Up to 10 banks now and 1 credit union dealing in the Dinar. CURRENT WINDOW: . One intel source aligns with Jan 5th. This week is still a possibility. Iraq is quiet. Budget: still expectations it will be in the Gazette this week. Irons in the fire yet to come that say progress. 1-5-2017 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke FYI, official funding outside the country for all exchanges, may begin next weekend of January 7, 8 amp 9th, with the new substantially increased, adjusted rate value of the dinar, in Iraq . FYI, in our opinion. The Norrsquoeaster has now passed thru. 1-4-2017 IntelNewshound Guru Mnt Goat So much news on the ldquoproject to delete the zerosrdquo recently. . they told us recently there will be yet another phase implemented for this project and it will launch three new lower denominations and they plan to do it soon . We learn (and confirm) today that the merchants also know about this upcoming change and want it real bad. By launching the lower denominations they can begin paying their foreign obligations directly using dinar. But in the process the dinar must go international and must have some real value to compete with other foreign currencies. 1-4-2017 Intel Guru ADMINBILL Just received from contact. From WF: Zim Dinar Rupiah Rial Dong are off currency screen. Believed to be they are entering new rates. Waiting for additional confirmation. WF CURRENCY INFO HAS BEEN CONFIRMED BY ANOTHER SOURCE. YOUR BEST BET IS TO NOT SPECULATE WHAT BEING OFF THE SCREEN MEANS AT THIS POINT. LETS SEE WHAT HAPPENS NEXT. IT MAY MEAN NOTHING OR IT MAY MEAN EVERYTHING. 1-4-2017 IntelNewshound Guru Mnt Goat We were told the cabinet held its first session of 2017 on Tuesday, January 3 2017, headed by Dr. Haider al - Abab. So we know the parliament is not too far behind also as they told us they will hold their first session on Jan 7th. The legislative part of the government is getting back to work. 1-4-2017 Newshound Guru wmawhite They have laws that eventually need to be passed. However, none of those laws preclude a change in the value of the currency. Remember, nearly 21 months ago. March 3, 2015 the CBI announced that they had received the green light to move forward with the Delete The Zeros Project. nothing about needing any laws passed. this event is in process. it is not a single event. Instead, it has many parts to it and the value change is only one part of the project that is needed up front. 1-4-2017 Intel Guru Bruce When it comes to Iraq. The budget for 2017 has been passed, been in the Gazette, been published, it is law. The rate is in the Gazette and they donrsquot want us to have it yet. It should be something positive for us to see Mosul come back. A lot of things from a very positive point of view going on in Iraq. I think the final part of the UN operational rate showing, the UN releasing Iraq of chapter 7 sanctions, currency known internationally. But the way they did pay back Kuwait, of around 5 billion dollars in newly revalued dinar. They had to have a rate settled in Iraq to do that . That did occur to our understanding. We are in a great position right now. post 2 of 2 1-4-2017 Intel Guru Bruce We thought it would happen by Christmas and New Year, and we still are here. Things are moving, but not happen for us yet. I been on the ride for 12 years, and I am used to somewhat of it not going the way we thought. Nobody can accurately predict the date we will be notified. Could there be a delay that could take us deeper into the month Could be possible, but I donrsquot believe it is the intention. The information I been getting today pointing to something happening this week. Letrsquos hope that is the case. When we put out information look at it, weigh it, and see what you want to embrace. What I heard today is enlightening. post 1 of 2. stay tuned 1-4-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana I have a good feeling about 2017, and its not because of a feeling. its a direct result of having watched this thing like a hawk for a few long years and having compiled a big picture of where we are and where we need to go. Much of 2016 was hampered by ISIS. Thats just a fact. There was no way Iraq could have successfully revalued their currency to a significant number with so many problems with ISIS. . two articles this morning. about Iraqs resumed push into Mosul. both are positive about Iraqs current success and continued success. This WILL happen My key focus towards the 2nd half of 2016 was HCL, and it continues to be HCL. Late December, Parliament set a specific date to start the new legislations for the year. That date was January 2, 2017, as in 2 days ago. Can anyone guess what legislation Im excited to see You bet . some of what Parliament covered on their first 2017 session. its almost glaringly obvious that this will affect the HCL . 1-4-2017 IntelNewshound Guru Mnt Goat So after some time , they plan to then launch even more lower denominations that are of the even lower face value such as the 5, 10 and 25 denominations . Why wait . They are waiting for these notes since these notes would not be so beneficial until the marked market price of goods went down to match. Remember this too ndash I have said that we as investors may never even see this initial 1:1 rate at the banks since this will be the workings mostly of inner Iraq. When the rate does go international by this time it may be well within the range we as investors had hoped it would be 1:5 . post 2 of 2 1-4-2017 IntelNewshound Guru Mnt Goat Article: Deletion of zeros from the currency adds a monetary value Quote: The new dinars will reduce the ongoing cost of printing money. For example the new (25) dinars which will replace the 25 thousand dinars currency currently in circulation . . They are telling us that in Iraq a 25,000 note will be replaced by the new 25 lower denomination note. In the BEGINNING of the next phase of the process this is what they plan to do. In another article about the same timeframe they used this very same example to show us how within Iraq they will get the dinar in par 25k with the US dollar a 1:1 equaling 25 when the Iraqi citizens turn in these three zero notes. But we know this is only the beginning since once this is accomplished they plan to revalue their currency. . This initial step, even though it may appear as a revaluation, is in fact nothing more than an adjustment for inflation. But indirectly this new 25 note will be worth now equal to 25 US dollars so in essence it is a significant increase in the value of the dinar. post 1 of 2. stay tuned 1-4-2016 Newshound Guru mike Article: Central Iraq supports the currency delete the zeros dinar Kaps right Guru Kaperoni, Iraq can reform the currency without moving to Article VIII. I will add though, it will not be a successful currency reform without Article VIII. Iraq is in Article XIV right now and the dinar is worth 10 less than the number printed on it, on any level thats terrible. Its just my opinion, but if Iraq tries to reform the dinar by unpegging from the dollar, free floating and not moving to Article VIII, the value will crater and drop to somewhere south of 1500-1. If the dinar had any intrinisic value that supported it without the peg to the dollar and the auctions, we wouldnt have the street rate, or MCP, like we have today. Again, its just an opinion. reference Guru Kaperoni post 1-3-2017 1-3-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: Central Iraq supports the currency delete the zeros dinar A couple of things. technically, Iraq does not need to be in Article VIII for currency reform. They can do that at anytime. . it is clear that the intent is to float the dinar or gradually raise the dinar over time which will raise the value of the dinar and raise the zeros. The IMF made it very clear (referring to the Ballassa Samuelson Effect) in 2012, and the CBI stated just last year they plan to bring out a 50, 100, 200 early 2017. Both of these statements only make sense under the circumstances I am explaining. LOPs affect all notes at the same time, would not need 10 years to transition, would counter all statements made a few years ago by Saleh (the dinar will be held around the world for a very long time, etc), etc. etc. 1-3-2017 IntelNewshound Guru Mnt Goat . are there still hurdles to overcome and tasks they would like to accomplish prior to the RV . Yes ndash but I do not know if these tasks will in fact hold up the RV or not. My feelings are they will never have a perfect world and many of these tasks will be ongoing for many years to come anyhow even once the project to delete the zeros moves ahead again. It is my feeling they are at the point where they can not move forward with their economic and financial plans since they will need a viable currency to do so. So my feeling is Iraqi economy is now at a cross roads. It will never be the ldquoperfectrdquo set up . The IMF, the World Bank, the World Trade Organization along with a host of global consultants are working with Iraq to bring about the needed changes . Which way will they now go There is only one way to go and why not Since they prepared Iraq for this economic explosion (or as Abadi has stated and I quote ldquoeconomic opennessrdquo) they must now move to the next step and get fully the globalinternational stage. What else does ldquoeconomic opennessrdquo mean if not to go international 1-3-2017 Newshound Guru mike We know, through transparency, rational and reliable sources why Iraq hasnt moved their currency forward, the IMF tells us at least twice a year: A) Eliminate Exchange Restrictions B) Control the MCP within a 2 band. No mystery here, these are very simple, easy to understand issues that Iraq cant or wont address so they can move the currency to Article VIII, which well need to have value added to the currency. Different principles apply to the economy, but theyre just as easy to understand. If a country creates an economy where imports are purchased, demand for their currency will increase which causes the value of the currency to rise. Super simple. Iraq needs to move to an open market economy . IMO. 1-3-2017 Newshound Guru mike Iraq is definitely, opaque, irrational, unreliable and unpredictable. But, thats why theres a process . Iraqs not the only country in the world whos gone through this phase of dictatorship and sectarianism, thats why everyone has to conform to a certain set of standards, procedures and rules, it levels the field and offers transparent, rational, reliable and predictable activities. Do countrys always follow the IMFWB rules Nope, and for that there are consequences. Thats why we have the Article IV consultations, Treasury Dept. assistance and other groups helping Iraq. These tools clear up any minsconceptions. and allow us to see the true facts regarding Iraqs financial situation, which includes their currency. 1-3-2017 Intel Guru ADMINBILL . I AM HOPING THE INFORMATION I RECEIVED YESTERDAY IS ACCURATE AND WE ARE NEARLY THERE. ONE OF THE REASONS I AM LEANING IN THAT DIRECTION IS THAT I WAS ALSO INFORMED THAT THE MAJOR CONTRACTS THAT ENDED ON THE 31ST WERE TAKEN CARE OF AS REQUIRED. 1-3-2017 IntelNewshound Guru Mnt Goat Yes the country is making a great turn-around since post elections 2014. In retrospect over the last 2 years we witnessed all the new banking laws, reforms and other needed laws. But they had a security breach with ISIS and then the drop in oil prices. Combined these two factors decreased the countries revenues while at the same time increased their expenditures. This created a situation when in 2015 (a targeted date for the project to delete the zeros) they had to postpone the project once again. At this time they stated a timeframe when they would target the resumption of the projectrsquos next phase. They told us in EALRY 2017 . post 3 of 3 1-3-2017 IntelNewshound Guru Mnt Goat Third: Iraq has not yet gotten out of the program rate and are still officially under sanctions even the war has been over now for 13 years. The plan (and this is in writing to prove it) was to get out of the program rate in 2008 (the first time they tried to revalue). But once the war over the, corruption, politically and security instability has not allowed them to progress. Had post war Iraq looked very different, had there been a more successful democratic government and security force established they probably would not have waited so long to implement this project of currency reform. So has the situation gotten any better. post 2 of 3. stay tuned 1-3-2017 IntelNewshound Guru Mnt Goat . one more bit of evidence that the Iraqi dinar is NOT going to lop. reference Guru Mnt Goat post 1-2-2017 Did you know that a lop is used as a tool. Yes ndash it is a special tool that IMF uses to consult with a country to help fight hyper-inflation. It is especially designed for this purpose. So is the currency of Iraq namely the three zero notes now hyperndashinflated Absolutely NOT First: The inflation rate in Iraq is amazingly very low compared to other countries, Second: The currency of Iraq did not float to the hyper-inflated three zeros while on the international markets, instead it was suddenly and intentionally brought down to a ldquoprogram raterdquo for purposes of fighting a war and taken off the international exchanges. This was to suppress the bad guys from using the Iraqi currency to buy weapons to fight the coalition forces against Saddam Hussein. post 1 of 3. stay tuned 1-3-2017 Newshound Guru rcookie Article: Low monthly inflation rates and the annual report in November Quote: Hindawi said that inflation index for the month of November last dropped by 0.7, compared to October of last month, . INFLATION DOWN 0.7 IN NOVEMBER FROM OCTOBER. AND DOWN 1 FROM NOVEMBER 2015. And what did Shabibi say about inflation and monitiary reform IT IS THE DETERMINANT. 1-2-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 I have been told that Abadi has blocked any Mosul news for the next 72 hours I did see an article mentioned Mosul yesterday, and I donrsquot know when the 72 hours would be up. Irsquove also heard about a press conference saying that 2017 will be a great year. Some of our trusted sources from three-letter agencies have been expanding on the information, and from that there is a good expect-ation for something this week. The sources say look for something to happen Tuesday or Wednesday. I donrsquot know if that will be the full-blown RV or not. I have learned that there is a lsquorhapsodyrsquo database system that stems from the BIS (Bank of International Settlements) that all that banks use, I think. This database has been down since Friday, and we suspect this is for rate changes . Wersquoll see post 2 of 2 1-2-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 On Iraqrsquos side, no Budget in the Gazette as yet. Wersquove been waiting 2-3 weeks for this to show up in the Gazette, based on what I was told. The only part that hasnrsquot held true is the timing on when it would be in the Gazette. We are also waiting to find out if what I was told would be in the Budget actually is. In some places, people are saying the lower denominations are NOT being widely distributed, but in other places we are told they are in the ATMs. post 1 of 2. stay tuned 1-2-2017 IntelNewshound Guru Mnt Goat . we know there is not going to be a lop for all the right reasons and reasons we can prove. So letrsquos go over these reasons now. 1) the CBI has directly told us and the fact that they have said that ldquothe three zero notes will coincide with the new lower denominations for up to 10 yearsrdquo. This in itself means no lop. 2) then they said it ldquowould take 10 years for the transition to the new currencyrdquo. Does this sound like a lop 3) these large three zero notes 1,000, 5,000, 25,000 and 50,000 notes would be ldquoused for inter banking transactionsrdquo and the plan is ldquoto retrieve them out of the hands of the average citizen and the market place rdquo. Why would they need to retrieve them if this was going to be a lop I just gave you three good reasons. There are many more. post 2 of 2 1-2-2017 IntelNewshound Guru Mnt Goat When the CBI uses the term ldquo project to delete the zeros rdquo they do not literally mean to delete the zeros off the currency and to continue using the notes in the common circulation. Instead it means to replace (or delete) the 3 zeros notes from the common circulation with a set of notes that will be the notes going forward into the future. This is the replacement currency once out of the ldquoprogramrdquo rate. This is a well planned currency, a plan designed before they even started the war in 2003. post 1 of 2. stay tuned 1-2-2017 Newshound Guru mike If the CBI unpegged today without the legislative foundation, the dinar will crater and the only reason I know that is because the street rate is 10 less than face value of the currency as it exists today. Can you imagine what it will do if they unpeg from the stability of the dollar and the auction process Unfortunately, after closely following these guys for five years or so, its just more of the same that weve seen in the past. Empty statements without a process to fulfill them. My guess, if they could get the legislation and IMF stuff done in the first quarter of 2017, we might see a dime before the new year. post 2 of 2 1-2-2017 Newshound Guru mike Article: Central Iraq supports the currency delete the zeros dinar If the process starts today, how long before one dinar is worth a dime In order for the dinar to rise in value they need to be in Article VIII, thats getting rid of the MCP and exchange restrictions. After that, Iraqs economy has to shift to an open market so that exports other than oil are created so that there is demand for the dinar. By now we all know this isnt a switch that the CBI Governor throws and all of a sudden the dinar has more value, we need Parliaments involvement to create the atmosphere for the dinar to rise in value, not the other way around. post 1 of 2. stay tuned 1-2-2017 Intel Guru ADMINBILL LETS HOPE THE DAY BRINGS US POSITIVE NEWS THAT WE CAN TAKE TO THE BANK SOON. WE ARE GETTING NEARER TO THE END BUT IT STILL MAY NOT HAPPEN BEFORE THE END OF THE MONTH FOR THE PUBLIC . 1-2-2017 Newshound Guru rcookie Article: Economist suggests that the economic comprehensive methodology in 2017 Quote: Economic adviser and banker Samir Nasiri suggested the establishment of a Higher Council for the Department of Economic Affairs . HERES A BEAUTY. FROM. NASIRI. CALLING FOR A HIGHER COUNCIL FOR DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC AFFAIRS. AND INCREASE IN PER CAPITA INCOME AND PURCHASING POWER FOR CITIZENS. AND WANTS TO. TO TRANSITION FROM A HYBRID ECONOMY TO A MARKET ECONOMY . IN ORDER TO ACHIEVE ITS NDP GOALS THROUGH 2030 AS OUTLINED IN THE CONSTITUTION. AND DEVELOPMENT OF INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL TRADE TO BENEFIT ECONOMY. THEN FINISHES BY ADDING THE NEED TO RAISE PER CAPITA INCOME. PURCHASING POWER AND RAISE THE NATIONAL INCOME . (GDP). BEEINDRUCKEND. GREAT STUFF 1-1-2017 Newshound Guru loop Quote: . to facilitate measures to ensure that the ultimate beneficiary if an ordinary citizen or a merchant, and in a transparent manner requires that banks disclose the previous Khovatha and filter regulators Notes to control the dollar was trading movement locally and abroad Ohz would clean reputation Banking Iraqi abroad and the correspondent banks and thereby restore confidence sector Iraqi banking locally and internationally . Why would they need to restore confidence in the international banking sector it they had no intentions on their currency being internationally recognized post 2 of 2 1-1-2017 Newshound Guru loop Alak has been sending the same message and really has not moved away from it for well over a year now. He gave the green light to start the project to delete the zeros over the year ago. Well before that they they pull the 50s off the street. Ask yourself why would a worthless note need to be pulled. Because of the new 50 that they were planning on release IMO. THen they were white listed. There are so many bread crumbs that all point to the same thing. Here is one of Alaks more recent quotes: He noted that the solution in Iraq lies in dollar demand reduction through structural correction of the Iraqi economy, and not through refraining from selling the dollar. HUGE HUGE HUGE and how do they accomplish that THe deletion of those pesky zeors is how. post 1 of 2. stay tuned 1-1-2017 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke FYI, official funding outside the country for all exchanges, may begin next weekend of January 7, 8 amp 9th, with the new substantially increased, adjusted rate value of the dinar, in Iraq. FYI, in our opinion. The Noreaster has now passed thru. 12-31-2016 Intel Guru ADMINBILL WE MAY STILL HAVE AN OPPORTUNITY TO SEE THE INITIAL PHASES OF THE RVGCR BEGIN DURING THE FIRST WEEK OF JANUARY BUT IT IS HIGHLY UNLIKELY AT THIS POINT. LET ME MAKE A FEW POINTS NEXT WHICH ARE BASED UPON INFORMATION RECEIVED DURING THE PAST 96 HOURS. THIS INFORMATION IS PROVIDED FOR YOUR BENEFIT AND INTERPRETATION AND MAY NOT CONCUR WITH. USE YOUR OWN GOOD JUDGEMENT. SPECULATION FROM EARLIER THIS MONTH IS THAT THERE IS A NEED FOR THE COMPLETION TO BE DONE BY MIDNIGHT TONIGHT (UNKNOWN WHICH TIME ZONE) TO FULFILL CONTRACTS DATES . THIS DOES NOT MEAN IT WILL BE RELEASED. OTHER INFORMATION PASSED ON RELATES TO AN UNKNOWN FEDERAL TAX LAW THAT COMES INTO EFFECT AT MIDNIGHT TONIGHT (ASSUMING EASTERN TIME ZONE) WHICH PREVENTS A HEAVY TAX ON THE RV FUNDS. ANOTHER VIEW EXPECTS THE GENERAL PUBLIC TO BE ABLE TO EXCHANGE SOMETIME AFTER THE INAUGURATION. NO DEFINITE DAY. 12-31-2016 Newshound Guru Islandg1211 The original requirements in addition to 10,000 US troops, also included every one of the UNSC Chapter VII sanctions, Reconciliation, Fully Formed Government, HCL, and Amnesty Law. The IMF had their list of requirements, including the Budget. All of these requirements suddenly have articles and meetings addressing each one. This goes along with the CBI stating that they plan to come out with the lower denoms and begin the deletion of the three zeroes in early 2017 IF the conditions are right. IMO, they arent even thinking about waiting 2-3 years to RV. Just get done with East Mosul, enter West Mosul and get Baghdadi - 3 months and its done enough . post 3 of 3 12-31-2016 Newshound Guru Islandg1211 My last Iraq update was all about the fact that THE ORIGINAL PLAN FOR IRAQ IS BACK ON TRACK FOR 2017. I went through and reminded everyone what the BushUN plan included for Iraq. One of the requirements - not option - by the US, was that there would be 10,000 US troops permanently in Iraq. This deal is done. The U. S. never intended to pull completely out of Iraq. In my opinion, this is a very good sign for the timing of the RV to have comments made on the MSM mainstream media that the troops are staying. IMO, that statement covers two purposes: 1) the reality of winning the peace and 2) justify the original plan to keep US troops in Iraq. post 2 of 3. stay tuned 12-31-2016 Newshound Guru Islandg1211 Oliver North was on Fox news last night said that it will take another 3 years to restore Mosul . IMO, although, Ollies, the Pentagons, and Abadis comments sound very different as to a time frame for the liberation of Mosul, they arent. Ollie is saying 3 years. The Pentagon just said 2 years to get rid of ISIS in Iraq. Abadi said by the end of the year, but had to amend that to another 3 months. Im estimating 3-6 months for Mosul. The difference of time frames is how one is defining liberated verses secure from terrorist attacks. post 1 of 3. stay tuned 12-31-2016 NewshoundIntel Guru BGG Can Iraq go international with their currency before the UNSC meets and officially releases the final two sanctions the assumption the Iraq can GO international with their currency is a flawed viewpoint. They need this international support to do such a thing. Where would Iraq be if no one is willing to accept whatever change they put forth. they will get to do what they get support (and guidance) to do. they succeed thus far - because they are listening and doing. Hope the UNSC meets soon to provide the clearance. The IMF and WB are much more important - the UNSC will be lucky if they exist in a year or two. 12-30-2016 Newshound Guru loop Do you think Iraq is feeling any kind of urgency to complete the economic reform as of late .. urgency is not what I am seeing. Remember that this is a plan and as it is unfolding the pace should pickup pace. its call momentum . Now that they got this ship point downstream things that they put into play 1 or 2 or more years ago will start bear fruit. 12-30-2016 Intel Guru RayRen98 Can you reassure us that the Dong will be in the first basket . No, although that is what I am expecting . Can you give us a rate please The prevailing rate is about 50 per million, right now. What we look for it to be. for the longest time that was 47 cents, but for the last couple of days they have been saying two dollars and change. That sounds good to me 12-30-2016 NewshoundIntel Guru BGG Do you think Iraq is feeling any kind of urgency to complete the economic reform as of late . I dont know that urgency is in their vocabulary - but they are moving forward with extreme prejudice. Much of this progress is highly likely the oversight of the IMFWB at play - they say - Iraq does, IT WORKS. Good stuff. 12-30-2016 Intel Guru Frank26 ldquo Iraq has been telling us for about a year. the ldquoMOOKLArdquo (beginning of the year). that we would see some amazing changesmovement of their currency. rdquo You know very well that. Guru DELTA translates the articles that were confusing from the CBIhellip and. Mooklardquo hellipthe one key word he wanted me to tell you tonighthellip Mookla is not in the first quarterhellipnot the middle of the first quarter. or the end of the first quarter. it is literally the start. January 1st 2017 . 12-30-2016 Newshound Guru mike Article: Iraqs higher gold reserves to 7.7 Quote: Iraqs reserves of gold remained stable and did not change, reaching 89.8 tons, explaining that this amount represents 7.7 of its reserves of currency foreign, having represented 7.1 during the month of October. I cant figure out if theyre using metric tonnes or regular US tons, the value varies. Ton 33,292,934.00 Metric tonne 36,702,860.00. The best part. an accurate range of Iraqs reserves, somewhere between 39 and 43 billion. I remember when the panic crept in earlier this summer the CBI started backing up from the reported figures like we see here, they were trying to say it was around 50 billion, which we knew couldnt be right because of the report the GOI sent to the IMF with expected reserve totals at the end of 2016. 12-30-2016 Intel Guru Frank26 Kuwait seems to know what is going on with the last 2 remain issues. They want their money and their people. and they (Iraq) gave it to them. By this action. they have agreed to sign. Kuwait wants Iraq to RV. and thatrsquos why they signed. They want to use e-Dinars. they are invested in dinars. They want to do business with them on an international level. IMO. they are about to raise the value of their currency. The coalition forces will be happy. Even Israel has dinars. even Iran. Compared to other middle-east currencies. the IQD has not gone down in value. that is a masterful plan. 12-30-2016 NewshoundIntel Guru BGG what are you most excited about lately All of it. Hard to pin my interest on any one thing. and maybe that is the exciting part - it isnt just one thing. Its the forward velocity on virtually all fronts . top five 5) IMHO there is more to this comment by Abadi over Mosul taking 3 more months the other day. I really doubt that proves to be accurate. translation Political posturing Some kind of intentinal mislead . IDK - but it does seem at odds with most of his previous commentary. 4) The recovery of stolen monies by the GOI - big news. They are looking to put an end to the culture of corruption. 3) T he passage of the JampA Law - HUGE piece . 2) General forward velocity of all the Economic and Financial reforms going on right now - they are really building an economy - FAST. 1) Obviously - the statements by the current Gov of the CBI concerning their beginning of 2017 timeline - HUGE 12-29-2016 Intel Guru Frank26 We are right on track with the MR. More has been accomplished in December 2016 than the past years combined . All of these ldquoagenciesrdquo that lined up all of the stars for them ndash incredible The impact will be HUGE as they get this right. right now. it has to be perfect What we are seeing. is impressing the living daylights out of us. Watch for Chapter 7 to be gone. Once they are out of Chapter 7. they are automatically into the IMFrsquos ARTICLE VIII. which means they have lifted the value of their currency . why else would Kuwait make a trip to Iraq The 1 thing right now is to see the BUDGET Donrsquot forget. the 31st. we might not see it until the 1st or so...but wersquore looking for the IMF and the UN to make Chapter 7 official. looking for an ldquoOFFICIAL RATE. rdquo They (Kuwait). what they are doing with IRAQ. thatrsquos at an INTERNATIONAL LEVEL Itrsquos almost surreal what is going on. 12-29-2016 NewshoundIntel Guru Arthur Their holiday was supposed to be 60 days but has been trimmed to 20 days due to the importance of implementing the 2017 budget starting the next legislative session on Jan 2, 2016 . During the beginning of this session they are scheduled to pass 50 plus laws including all the important laws we still need including the Federal and Accountability Law, and the all important HCL which will keep them on track and on schedule for full monetary reform early 2017. 12-29-2016 Intel Guru ADMINBILL HEARING THERE IS MOVEMENT AFOOT, WITH BANKER CONFIRMATION THAT CONTINUES TO BELIEVE BEFORE THE END OF 2016. I BELIEVE THE BANKERS BELIEVE, BUT I WOULD NOT CALL THE BANK FOR CONFIRMATION. WE ONLY HAVE UNTIL SATURDAY TO SEE IF THEY ARE CORRECT. 12-29-2016 NewshoundIntel Guru Arthur Contrary to popular belief, Iraq is still not completely out of all remaining sanctions. Among the remaining are the ones regarding their ongoing status with Kuwait. The Kuwaitis are still owed reparations and other concerns such as the reception of the bodies back to Kuwaiti soil. An historic meeting occurred today in which 4 important agreements were signed by the two countries which included the readiness of Iraq to supply Kuwait 200 million standard cubic feet of gas. We now await to see if this will be sufficient for the UN to move Iraq to chap VIII which would trigger the UST to give the CBI the green light to more forward with the monetary reform. At this time they are still on schedule for early 2017. 12-29-2016 Intel Guru Jester IF THEY LOP THE ZEROS AS THEY HAVE SAID. WHICH I THINK THEY WILL. THEN EVERYONE WILL BE HAPPY WITH MAYBE 3-4 TIMES WHAT THEY PAID FOR AN INVESTMENT . NOT BAD REALLY. THE BANKS STILL LIKE TO HAVE THAT MONEY SO MAYBE THAT IS THE REASON THEY ARE STARTING TO TAKE DINAR AGAIN . ITS STILL A LOT OF MONEY. NOT AS MUCH AS YOU LIKE. BUT STILL A LOT. TAKE THAT FOR WHAT ITS WORTH. WHICH IS MY OPINION. BUT AN EDUCATED OPINION FROM SOME PRETTY GOOD SOURCES. post 2 of 2 12-29-2016 Intel Guru Jester IRAQ IS AN INDICATOR. AND THAT INDICATOR IS RUNNING OUT OF THINGS TO SEE. THEY ARE GETTING IN A BETTER PLACE. I STILL THINK THINGS MUST BE MORE STABLE THERE BEFORE THEY WILL BE TURNED LOOSE BUT THAT IS JUST MY OPINION.. . AS FAR AS THE RV. IT WILL NOT GO LIKE THEY ARE TELLING YOU IT WILL. ALL THIS 800 NUMBER BAZILLION DOLLAR STREET RATE IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. THERE IS NO REASON FOR IT. FOLLOW THE MONEY. WHY WOULD THEY DO THAT UNLESS THERE WAS SOMETHING IN IT FOR THEM NO ONE OWES YOU. post 1 of 2. stay tuned 12-29-2016 Intel Guru Frank26 We told you on Monday. there was one issue. we were looking for the budget on the 31st. and that oil would need to see a certain number. in order to get to a rate. We were looking between 55, 56, and 57 dollars. It has now hit 56.65. Now. itrsquos maintaining itself. This is the FUEL for the 2017 budget. I think we are going to have a budget on December the 31st. They have never had a budget. this is extremely historical. The budget is executable with a program rate. but the budget must be funded. IMO ndash the BUDGET is FULLY FUNDED. IF it stays at a program rate. it is NOT fully funded. They need to apply this oil price to their budget and ACTIVATE it. If not, they have wasted 2016. There is no DATE or RATE. the rate is solid NOW. well calculated. but the DATE is a moving target. post 2 of 2 12-29-2016 Intel Guru Frank26 I strongly feel that the mission to do this. add value to their currency is happening in amazing strides. leaps. miraculous agreements. Finally we are seeing what we wanted to see. the prime and foreign ministers of Kuwait and Iraq met. BIG SMILES. What did they discuss . A ldquonew era of mutual understanding. signed 4 strategic agreement(s) with Iraq with committee representatives. will play a major role of Iraq exiting Chapter VII. rdquo They are working out their issues. They are NOW inside of Article VIII. post 1 of 2. stay tuned 12-29-2016 IntelNewshound Guru Mnt Goat . I can not say just how amazing this news was in the last couple days on this topic with Kuwait. yesterday they announced the preparatory meeting for the sixth session of the meetings with Kuwait Joint Ministerial Higher Committee. scheduled for today Wednesday. . we know they held the meeting and it was successful . the IMF and Iraq seem to be cleaning up lose ends prior to pulling the trigger once again in EARLY 2017 to begin the project once again. They are just literally days away from Jan 2017. We know that this project is important because it is this project (and nothing else. ) that in FACT will lead us to the ultimate treasures that await us currency holders. the significant increase in the value of the Iraqi dinar. post 3 of 3 12-29-2016 Newshound Guru Breitling From what these guys are talking about, end of the year 2016 and there are a couple windows open for 2017. Itrsquos very interesting that these guys are laying out the law with the banks, the way they are maneuvering around the auctions and other countryrsquos currencies because they donrsquot want to compete. Those are the words I use cause I donrsquot want to hype it. hellipI want to make if very clear the US Treasury is in counsel capacity only. They are only there to give counsel, they are not financially vested to the dinarhellip that has no relevance on whether I invest in the Iraqi Dinar at all. 12-29-2016 IntelNewshound Guru Mnt Goat Lots in the news all of a sudden about the Kuwait and Iraq relationship. Why now . we know by the press statement a few days ago that the only remaining item for Iraq, to get fully out of the 2003 sanctions, was to pay the war reparations owed to Kuwait. there will be no RV while Iraq is still in sanctions. All this recent news on this topic was very revealing since it. also confirmed. 1) Iraq was not fully out of sanctions in June 2013 (maybe this is why the RV has been held up too) and 2) just how close we are to the RV . Kuwait is not concerned about the money Iraq owes them since instead they know in the long term will make so much more money in trade deals with Iraq. They know if they can assist Iraq in any way to regain their sovereignty then Iraq will progress onto the ldquointernationalrdquo stage that much sooner. post 2 of 3. stay tuned 12-29-2016 IntelNewshound Guru Mnt Goat . the news is literally pouring in from Iraq and moving so fast now. It is as if they are on a mission to meet a deadline of early January of something like that. Es. shows us that Iraq definitely is about to move forward with their ldquoeconomic explosionrdquo (Abadirsquos words not mine) in EARLY 2017 . We know they can not do this without some real value placed on their currency. In other words they must delete the zeros and revalue it. post 1 of 3. stay tuned 12-28-2016 Newshound Guru loop Article: Integrity court to prevent the theft of hundreds of billions and address the imbalance in the developed banking system Quote: . the judiciary turned to breaches in the system and the procedures taken against those responsible, whether thieves or corrupt officials . SOMEONE GOT CAUGHT WITH THIER HAND IN THE COOKIE JAR. HOW DID THEY CATCH THIS . WITH THE ELECTRONIC CLEARING SYSTEM THAT WE HAVE BEEN HEARING ABOUT. MORE PROOF OF ACTION ON THE BANKING REFORM FRONT. 12-28-2916 NewshoundIntel Guru Frank26 Like a spider leg slowly probing whats in front of it before taking it to the mouth. The Dow and Oil Prices cautiously approach levels of interest. A Flag by A (Abadi) in the dead Center of Mosul would expedite many things in an LL (long line) very quickly. IMO. We will very soon. hellip What are the chances they launch 2017 at the program rate. We would all have to go back to the drawing board hellip.. NO. We will NOT. The PR (Program Rate) can and more than likely will be in the 2017 Budget. 12-28-2016 NewshoundIntel Guru BGG are the reserves still being depleted and if so isnt that still corruption which means they will hold up on the increase of the dinar until they get a handle on it That is the complaint - I wonder if some of that isnt internal partisan politics Hard to say. However, I doubt this lasts long enough for any of that arc to matter. 12-28-2016 Newshound Guru MadDScout When dose the next session of Parliament start Jan 7. 12-28-2016 Newshound Guru Frank26 I strongly believe what we do not see in 2016 will be revealed in the beginning days of 2017. Right now my teams and I are only looking for the release and activation of the 2017 budget that will review reveal much. 12-28-2016 Newshound Guru Islandg1211 TODAYS ARTICLES ARE EXACTLY ON POINT OF THE ORIGINAL PLAN FOR IRAQ, A PLAN WHICH INCLUDES GETTING THEIR CURRENCY OFF THE SANCTIONED RATE AND BACK ON FOREX. Finally, the 2017 Budget was passed by the GOI. (Not sure if it was signed by the president and printed in the Gazette to become law.) Citibank and other banks have just started selling and buying the Iraq Dinar again. Finally, the international corporations and investors wanted the RV and the reconstruction phase to start in order for them to make money in Iraq. An article today from the US State Department, states that Iraq is a good investment in the long run. post 2 of 2 12-28-2016 Newshound Guru Breitling . Thatrsquos what the actions arehellipa tool for that. Theyrsquove always planned on getting rid of the auction. Theyrsquove always planned on adding value to the currency that you and I have. Theyrsquove always planned on adding smaller denoms to the currency as the value goes up and then sooner or later getting rid of the currency you and I have . SIDE NOTE: if they were just going to add value to our currency and pretend there are no zeros on the notes that in itself would reduce the note count. They would not have to get rid of the physical notes like theyrsquove been doing. Thatrsquos how we know they are not going to LOP. T hey have not changed their minds and wersquore only going by what they say. This is not an opinion. This is coming from the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Planning and the CBI. post 2 of 2 12-28-2016 Newshound Guru Islandg1211 Although the GOI is on vacation until Jan. 10th, and the liberation of Mosul has stalled a bit, and its the holidays, some great headlines and news articles are coming out of Iraq. Articles amp Headlines: Abadi stated today that he will finally submit resumes for his vacant Ministers spots UN stated today that Iraq was let out of almost all of the Chapter VII sanctions . World Bank approved their loan to Iraq and stated that Iraq is one of the richest countries in the world and shouldnt have any problem repaying their debts. Article today talked about the need to have a law ending the currency auctions. Article yesterday talked about finally passing the HCL law, along with other needed laws in the next GOI session . Another article featured the headline, Iraq looks to Trump to complete the SBA . Yea The article talked about the Marshall plan and the meetings with the new Trump folks to move Iraq into the next phase, from war to reconstruction . post 1 of 2. stay tuned 12-28-2016 Newshound Guru Breitling There is good news and itrsquos phenomenal. This is a mystery to mehellipsomething I have not been able to figure out. I donrsquot know whenif they start adding value to their currency at what point will they get rid of the auctions It doesnrsquot matter for ushellipit really doesnrsquot. In the context this is not something you need to look out for because if they get rid of the auctions today then something is coming down the road. But if they start revaluing, start adding more and more value to the currency and the auctions donrsquot disappearhellipthatrsquos just a way to manipulate the currency even more. Post 1 of 2 stay tuned for the rest of the story 12-28-2016 Intel Guru Bruce What else we know is 31st of December is New Years Eve, and it is the day the UN Operational rates suppose to show effectively. Will they change on the 29th which be Thursday or not show the change until the 31st We donrsquot know that. On the 31st, the Vietnamese Dong and Iraqi Dinar, their rates are supposed to change and reflect that change. . we should get a heads up pretty soon. We thought we would go last night. hopefully we are there now and ready. Intel is looking very strong. Not giving dates, but looking good for the end of the year. Set your goal for 2017. You should be excited right now for what we are about to embark on. post 2 of 2 12-28-2016 Intel Guru Bruce We did miss it for Christmas. I expected to exchange today Tuesday. I am feeling very good what I have heard the last few days. We are in a great place. Just hang in there a little bit longer. We would all like to celebrate New Years completely hydrated financially. With any success that would be our case. Things are popping behind the scenes, but they want to keep it quiet. for a reason. We heard Iraq is in a situation where they have one more thing to do. As of 4:15am today Tuesday, they still needed to pay restitution and past debts that were owed to Kuwait. That was the one last thing besides showing an updated revalued rate they needed to do. That began this morning at 4:15am. My understanding is that was to be complete in 12 to 14 hours. The timing for this is now very close because Iraq took care of the last thing they needed to do to be released from chapter VII from the UN. That very last portion to show their rate internationally may have been done. post 1 of 2. stay tuned 12-27-2016 Intel Guru Frank26 IT IS NOT AN EVENT DO NOT LOOK FOR A DATE It is a progress of a progression that is leading you into the revaluation of their currency and they are doing in my opinion, an amazing, brilliant job We told you that on December the 31st, we hoped that Iraq will show us their budget. and that we might see a rate before that. I believe that they will around the 31st. THAT IS MY OPINION. The IMF United Nations CBI Abadi. meiner Meinung nach. are doing some amazing things. IT IS HAPPENING. ITrsquoS COMING . If I knew the date, Irsquod. give it to you. I donrsquot know the date. post 2 of 2 12-27-2016 Intel Guru Frank26 Many of you were looking for the oil prices to go up, especially around Monday for it to be in the 60 range. Its not. is it We told you it would be the fuel and the catalyst for the budget. to possibly release a rate before the 31st. It didnrsquot. did it None of these things happened. Yet, ironically enough, an amazing amount of things DID happen. Iraq is going through a monetary reform of its currency. It is not visible. you are not allowed to see its steps. Iraq has been telling us for about a year. the ldquoMOOKLArdquo (beginning of the year). that we would see some amazing changesmovement of their currency. post 1 of 2. stay tuned 12-27-2016 IntelNewshound Guru Mnt Goat Article quote: that Iraq has fulfilled its commitment before the final decision regarding his release from under Chapter VII, as it was left only has complete compensation with neighboring Kuwait file . . they are telling us the only commitment that was remaining is to pay Kuwait for war reparations. We know they agreed to do this once the revalue their currency as they would pay them with increased value of their currency once the rate increase . So whats going on herehelliphint. hinthelliphinthellip 12-27-2016 Newshound Guru rcookie Article: Ministries offered a proposal to convert the salaries of its 3 employees to the electronic system Quote: A source in the banking sector, on Tuesday, that the three ministries have submitted applications to the Central Bank of Iraq to transfer their employees salaries to the. electronic system . 3 MINISTRIES (EDUCATION. JUSTICE. TRANSPORT) SALARIES BEING DISTRIBUTRD ELECTRONICALLY. THROUGH 7 BANKS . BEEINDRUCKEND. CAN YOU SAY LIQUIDITY RELIEF. 12-27-2016 Newshound Guru Breitling hellip Bank of America has a seat on the auction floor and all these banks were buying dinar from Bank of America. And some of these banks I know where theyrsquore actually storing it. So how is it they get to invest in it How is it a good idea for them but not a good idea for us Does that make sense to you No. So donrsquot listen to the naysayers sitting behind a desk somewhere who donrsquot know anything about currencyhellip All in itself, the ability to buy currency from Citibank is not a big deal. Remember I bought all my dinar from Chase Bank. So they just decided to sell it again. Thatrsquos all it ishellipnothing more . The information you need to stay focused on came out of Iraq from the CBI, from the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Planning on what they want to do with their banks so they can get to the next levelhellipthatrsquos very very good news and i hope yoursquore happy . Post 2 of 2 12-27-2016 NewshoundIntel Guru Arthur Along with all the requisite political and banking reforms, the equation was, is and always has been GOI HCL RV . With all the current proxy positions, rather the GOI is adequately complete for the UST is debatable but all indication are they are satisfied with the fulfillment of that variable of the equation. As for the HCL further progress is scheduled for Wednesday 1228 after which we should be able to determine if there has been adequate progress to warrant a release of all remaining sanctions for Chap VIII and a subsequent rate increase necessary to satisfy the 2017 budget in Iraq . As of this post the PTB is still on schedule for early 2017. 12-27-2016 Newshound Guru Breitling hellip everyone is asking me about Citibank. Yes, Citibank is selling dinar again . The naysayers say itrsquos owning dinar illegal. Or the banks donrsquot want it. None of itrsquos true. It was disruptive to their banks businesses. Remember there was a time when there were little old ladies calling these banks everyday and asking them did the dinar revalue. Every single day. It was such a huge epidemic that it was disrupting business. You literally had thousands and thousands of phone calls. I know this for a fact because I talked to some of the people who were in charge of the entire west coast at Bank of America and they specifically told me they were not going to sell dinar cause itrsquos disruptive to businesshellipit wasnrsquot worth it to them. Having said thathellipthey bought their own dinar. I promise you they didhellipespecially Chase Bank hellipPost 1 of 2 stay tuned for the rest of the story 12-27-2016 Newshound Guru loop The CBI has indicated some kind of structural economic reform is on the horizon . I would really be surprised if they pegged the to the SDR. Ultimately I do not care how it happens. Just as long as some kind of value change happens. 12-27-2016 IntelNewshound Guru Mnt Goat Article: the importance of e-cash and its effect on increasing the money supply within the banking system . the e-dinar has many important reasons for its implementation. they went before parliament and got it approved to roll out to all provinces and are doing so. Simply put this is their solution to lack of liquidity in the banks. Aber. it does not stop there since there are audit traits to fight and catch corruption . we are seeing the process of the project to delete the zeros being implemented right in front of our noses . If you are not paying the salaries, pensions and other govrsquot programs in cash then the CBI is not infusing the 3 zero notes back into circulation. Also the merchants, now hooked up to swipe their debit cards, eliminate cash dinars taken to the currency auctions. Instead they electronically use the e-dinar system to get dollars to pay for their imports. A complete audit trail. 12-26-2016 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Articles: Iraq completed its commitment to one of the two resolutions to exit from Chapter VII Iraq, one step closer to leave Chapter VII of UN Charter . this move is a good thing. Unlikely Iraq would want to be fully out of UN Chapter VII without their own internationally convertible currency. Seems that this is coming together at the same time the banking reforms are being implimented with the help of the IMF. 12-26-2016 Newshound Guru firefly come on Mr Fly make this RV happen . She is coming my friend, make no mistake about it. IMO The meeting with Kuwait is just a formality I like many others have completely overlooked the chapter seven event . Yes most folks have. Ive been saying for many yrs that Iraq still has a couple of sanctions remaining. Specifically the Kuwait situation . The BIS and IMF could have given Iraq as many green lights as they want. aber. it meant nothing till the final 2 sanctions were lifted. Only the UN could finalize it Keep your eyes peeled to the UN reference Guru firefly post 12-25-16 12-26-2016 Intel Guru RayRen98 It looks like Iraq and Kuwait are agreeing on some things and we should see the final results from that. Iraqi television show Abadi indicating progress on Mosul, or at least an accounting. Everything is leaning towards agreements with Kuwait on Wednesday, with exciting results. We are in a waiting game. Letrsquos see what this meeting on Wednesday between Iraq and Kuwait does for us. Few people doubt this will take place, we just canrsquot say when. 12-26-2016 Intel Guru Delta URGENT FROM IRAQI TV: CBI WILL TAKE NEW MEASURES TO REDUCE THE PRICE OF DOLLAR AND SUPPORT THE IQD AGAINST OTHER FOREIGN CURRENCIES IN THE NEXT FEW DAYS. NEW OFFICIAL RATE. WE WILL SEE. 12-26-2016 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: Iraq has fulfilled the obligations of a decision to get out of Chapter VII Quote: . is noteworthy that the UN Security Council voted unanimously, in (June 27, 2013), resolution No. 2107. which Iraq emerges in part from the provisions of Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations . So dort haben Sie es. Back in 2013 when VP Biden chaired the UN meeting Iraq did not get out of Chapter VII as so many thought (I included). Apparently, the Oil-for-Food and Kuwaiti balance remained obstacles for complete removal. This apparently is now moving forward with a recent agreement to end the Oil-for-Food, leaving a 5 billion payment to Kuwait to end this once and for all . If so, currency reform may also be just around the corner. 12-26-2016 IntelNewshound Guru Mnt Goat . only 1 week remaining in December and the CBI has NOT yet postponed the project to delete the zeros. This by itself is good news. Will they postpone it again We wait and watch in anticipation. 12-26-2016 Intel Guru Frank26 The IMF and the UN are making sure that all issues on oil are being dealt with right now before the end of 2016 and in my opinion for the budget on December 31 that also requires a new rate not to function but to be logical in its mathematical calculations. 12-25-2016 Newshound Guru firefly Article: Compensation for the Kuwait last obstacle to Iraq out of Chapter VII Quote: Iraq has fulfilled the commitment before the final decision regarding his release from under Chapter VII, as it was left only has complete compensation with neighboring Kuwait file . Compensation for the Kuwait last obstacle to Iraq out of Chapter VII. So as we see, the upcoming meeting with Kuwait is very very big in regards to our investment Per the UN. The UN is the only agency that can lift the final sanction. NOT the IMF, NOT the BIS, NOT the US teasury. The UN 12-24-2016 Intel Guru RayRen98 Things have been somewhat quiet in Iraq these past few days. Banks are at an all-time high expectancy rate. Some Wells sources confirmed seeing a memo last Monday indicating RV and exchanges by Christmas. guess not now. Lol We are now up to 6 banks buyingselling the IQD, Wells should be on board next week International acceptance is no longer a concern for me, put a fork in this meat, it is DONE 12-24-2016 Intel Guru Frank26 . would you please explain why we are going to exchange our dinar instead of cash them in . To cash them in would give you the value that they are now. to exchange them is because the exchange rate changed. 12-24-2016 IntelNewshound Guru Backdoc THE TWO SHIA BROTHERS (Iraq and Iran) SHOULD BOTH DROP THEIR NUMBERS TOGETHER TO ADD VALUE AND BEGIN THE RACE TO FULL VALUE, WHICH WILL BE AFTER MARCH 20TH. THESE ARE EXCITING TIMES IT WAS NO MISTAKE THAT THESE TWO SHIA BROTHERS WOULD BEGIN THE RACE TOGETHER, BECAUSE WE REMEMBER THE DEAL BY THE END OF MARCH TO MAY, WE WILL SEE MAXIMAL VALUE OCCUR ITS TIME NOW FOR OIL TO BEGIN A RUN. TODAY WE SEE THE NUMBER 1 PRODUCER, RUSSIA, SAY THEY WILL MAKE CUTS TO ACCOMPLISH THE GOAL OF RAISING PRICES. THE NEW REALITY WILL LAUNCH IN EARLY JANUARY POSSIBLY, BUT DONT EXPECT THE FULL DIGITAL ASSET-BACKED REALITY TO BE FULLY VALUED AND SEATED IN PLACE TILL SPRING. . IMO. 12-24-2016 NewshoundIntel Guru BGG . if they keep on this development arc. they are on right now, that kind of security (a U. S. type environment) is achievable and it is in their future. If Iraq keeps going the way they are supposed to go and follow the IMF lead. it will be incredible. They will move forward VERY, VERY fast ndash THEY WILL MAKE DUBAI (The JEWEL of the Middle East) LOOK LIKE A CHARLIE BROWN CHRISTMAS TREEhellip 12-24-2016 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Iraq: First Review of the Three-Year Stand-By Arrangement and Financing Assurances Review Quote: They are also working actively on rapidly removing remaining exchange restrictions and a multiple currency practice, in close cooperation with IMF staff . moving to Article VIII is important, And getting in compliance as soon as possible is very good news for us . We have to wait it out and watch. it is good to see the IMF is helping them get there. 12-23-2016 Newshound Guru firefly IMO there is nothing else but to be VERY excited. be prepared for some very impressive news releases this week. Just my opinion but I feel it will unpeg from the USD. And peg to the SDR. As Kuwait is. And like Ive been saying for many years, the IQD will NOT float. . a 1:1 IMO will not fill the void in the budget. 3 is what was refered to in 2012. I have not read anything official to counter that number. They have even more resources and reserves now than back in 2012. Remember. The IQD NEVER devalued, it was turned off due to sanctions the plan is coming to a conclusion just as planned . I see no roadblocks yet, so. if the plan continues as outlined. something has to change 1st. 12-23-2016 Newshound Guru loop I would not be in it if I did not think it was going to happen. Iraq is a natural source powerhouse and their currency will reflect that. Its the when that drives people crazy. 12-23-2016 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke . a handful of major banks in the U. S. suddenly and officially begin trading amp exchanging the Iraq Dinar after Dec. 15th. Unofficially International Why right now . foreign currency exchange laws, suddenly changed amp enacted, on the commercial business side of the house. Why right now . . Iraqs new Fiscal year officially begins, Jan. 1, 2017. Vietnams new Fiscal year official begins, Jan. 1, 2017. Santas BIG Question: If you were going to pick a Date to shock amp surprise the world, with one of the largest financial changes in history, that impacts and affects the entire world, by a very large degree. AND THAT DATE NEEDED TO BE AT THE MOST INCONSPICUOUS, UNSUSPECTING, MOST ILLOGICAL, MOST QUIET, AND MOST UNLIKELY TIME POSSIBLE. would you choose Christmas Day - December 25 or New Years Eve - December 31, 2016 . Friends, tis the Season. of Major Endings, and New Beginnings. 12-23-2016 Intel Guru Bruce Christmas day in Iraq is late Christmas Eve for us. Could we wake up to a special Christmas blessing . Könnte sein. Could we have this before . Possibly. Could it be right around Christmas Could be. Yes I think we are right where we need to be at the right time. Could it be the greatest Christmas you every had . Könnte sein. Could it be post Christmas you ever had . I think it looks really good right now. . the rates have been showing on the screens and are moving and trading upward. There is movement. I think they are trying to bring the rate of the Iraqi dinar up in the trading. There will be a target rate when it comes out to us. A rate we thought would be in the 6 to 8 range. I think that is where we probably will be in that range. post 2 of 2 12-23-2016 Intel Guru Bruce What is going on Iraq Sunday is the first day of the business week in the Middle East in Iraq. Sunday is going to be an important day for the banks. For us and the rest of the world, we will have Christmas. However, Sunday in Iraq is a big day because the Lower Denominations are in the ATMs and in the banks, but they are not yet accessible . The people donrsquot have them yet. The ATMs are on lockdown. They are in the banks. What has to happen for the Lower Denominations to have value . It is called a rate. The rate for the dinar is in the budget. The budget has been passed, published in the Gazette, and the budget is already law. Can we see it yet No not yet, not until the appointed time. Will Sunday be the special day of the Lower Denominations being available . Could be . Is it special because the rates of the Iraqi dinar will be seen visibly out and all to be celebrating and available . Quite possibly yes. post 1 of 2. stay tuned 12-23-2016 Newshound Guru wmawhite Article: Babylon Bank calls its customers the implementation of foreign credits and remittances at the official rate Quote: Babylon Bank renews its call for the implementation of his customers his foreign credits and remittances and official rate of the Central Bank of Iraq . BINGO This is what we are waiting for implementation of foreign credits and remittances at the official rate. Paying their foreign bills with the IQD. currently all banks within Iraq settle all foreign credit and remittances in the USD. There also appears to be a movement within the banks to settle all foreign credits and remittances in the IQD. 12-23-2016 Intel Guru Frank26 IMO. the budget will be activated on the 31st. If they do. they will need a rate. somewhere between Dec 20-26 . Then watch in the next 3 months the RV evolve into the float. They will end with a cap. They talk so much about a 1 to 1. The Minister of Planning and Finance talked about a rate back in 2012. which would have taken it to 3.86. but they werenrsquot ready. When they raise the rate. it will FLY. and be controlled. It will be further controlled with a cap so that it doesnrsquot get out of hand like Kuwait. In Kuwait. it got up to 13. it got out of hand. In my opinion. once they reach that cap. it will be allowed to grow past that. Immediately after the RV starts (released). it will start the process of calculations of the IQD. calculate for at least 3 months. 12-23-2016 Newshound Guru 1bobby With the IQD in US banks. Does that take the IQD out of the exotic currency list Nope an exotic currency deals with the trading speedselements of the currency. Kuwait is still an exotic due to its trading factor. Just them tracking it says a lot. Thats not saying the IQD is in the banks just an electronic tracking. Now some banks still sell it but this deals with tracking a buy sell rate I have some that I would like to trade quickly, at a revalued rate of course . I think well all be dealing with that issue soon. 12-23-2016 Newshound Guru Kaperoni t heres a reason all of the govt or CBI issued reports outline plans for 2016 or 2017 through to 2020. All of Iraqs forecasts are done in 5 year increments. I have stated several times, currency reform is a priority for a market economy. The forecasts are all inclusive to achieve the goal of a vibrant market economy, not 5 years to currency reform. In fact, currency reforminternational convertibility is absolutely required before investors will come into Iraq to build a private sectormarket economy. Therefore, I continue to believe we will see the reforms begin very shortly so they can achieve the success and growth of the economy to meet the forecast timeframes. 12-22-2016 Newshound Guru 1bobby Id say the complete liberation of Mosul would be nice but not necessary. The budget should take place the 1st of January and will be interesting to see its implementation. The budget does not hinge on Mosul being liberated. Now when they speak of the Natl Reconciliation, everything hinges on the liberation of Mosul. Aber. they are taking the steps as far as support for that to be approved and implemented once Mosul takes place. 12-22-2016 Newshound Guru loop Article: Oil exceeds the threshold of 55 I was reading through the IMFrsquos SBA 1st review with Iraq and saw that they calculated that every dollar over the 42.00 budgeted amount for a barrel of oil would equate to 1.4 billion dollars more revenue . Not the 1 billion that some Iraqis have been quoted saying. If oil continues to trade at these levels their windfall will be in the neighborhood of 18.2 billion dollars. No doubt, oil will help stabilize their economy, but non oil revenue will become as one aritcle said an explosion of possibilities in the near future . Ich stimme zu. Once the private sector gets rolling oil will not be as big a threat to their economic stability. Diversification is the key and with their nature resources their will be an economic force to be reckoned with. 12-22-2016 IntelNewshound Guru Mnt Goat So, this approval is geared more towards the movement of the Iraqi dinar from article 14 to article 8 of the UN charter under mandates for member nations. This is, of course, terrific news for Iraqi currency investors. Article 8 means to operate under ldquointernationalrdquo constraints and Iraq now has new obligations under Article 8. They have proven worthy of this move. So logically the currency is now more available to the banking system and is now showing up in many banks. Remember also banks can refuse to trade in any currency if they chose to do so. So not all banks may now have the Iraqi dinar. The Iraqi dinar may now be international but the rate we all expected is not yet shown. This is exactly rolling out like so many good people have told you. this roll out would be slow and gradual. Not before Christmas or before the new year but in EARLY 2017 post 2 of 2 12-22-2016 IntelNewshound Guru Mnt Goat THE REVALUATION OF THE IRAQI DINAR HAS NOT HAPPENED The country of Iraq is still mandated to use the provisional rate as dictated by the CBI. This rate is subjected to the market rate of about 1180 ndash 1300 dinars to the US dollar. Okay so a few banks are now selling and buying the Iraqi dinar once again in the western countries. I do not yet see it in Europe. Legally they could have resumed trading the Iraq dinar since June 2013 (when Iraq was lifted from many sanctions). This is also based on the successes against ISIS and the recent statements made by the IMF over the success of the SBA reform progress. post 1 of 2. stay tuned 12-22-2016 NewshoundIntel Guru Bluedog Article: Rasheed announced stopping operations of deposit and withdrawal of savings accounts as of Sunday WHAT A FIND IF TRUE ITS GOLDEN. 12-22-2016 IntelNewshound Guru Backdoc SINCE PRESIDENT MASUM RECEIVED THE BUDGET WITH CHANGES ON THE 18th IT BECOMES LAW EVEN WITHOUT HIS SIGNATURE WITHIN 15 DAYS. IM GLAD ITS ALREADY SIGNED. INTERESTING THAT 15 DAYS TAKES US TO JAN. 2 nd JUST AS FRANK Guru Frank26 SAYS THIS IS PRECISION TIMING. BLACK GOLD, MARKETS REACHING A MILESTONE, AND CONTRACTS WHICH MAKE THE BUDGET NUMBERS WORK. THIS IS NOW DOWN TO TIMING. LETS ALL ENJOY THE PROCESS FROM LAUNCH TO THE REAL VALUE AFTER MARCH 20 th. post 2 of 2 12-22-2016 IntelNewshound Guru Backdoc IM WATCHING OIL VERY CLOSELY. I KEEP THINKING OF THE ISX BEING CLOSED FROM THE END OF THE TRADING DAY ON MONDAY THE 27th I THINK ITS LIKELY THE WINDOW COULD START AT THAT POINT UNLESS THEY CONTINUE TO BLOCK INTERNATIONAL STOCK TRADES UNTIL THE NEW YEAR. IF AN INTERNATIONAL RATE OCCURRED PRIOR TO THE 28th STOCKS WOULD HAVE TO BE BLOCKED FROM TRADING INTERNATIONALLY IF THEIR PLAN IS TO IMPLEMENT ON JANUARY 1st RIGHT post 1 of 2. stay tuned 12-22-2016 Intel Guru Frank26 IMO. they are completing the RI. and I believe in all honesty this happened this past week. When the RI occurred this last week. Iraq was taken out of ldquotime-outrdquo and brought back into the International Club. I believe that the ldquofloatrdquo for the IQD started a long time ago. IMO. based on the numbers we are calculating. it will be before Christmas . many banks that are now selling the IQD. IMO. the banks in the USA are ready or are in position to exchange the IQD at whatever rate it wants to be. . CitiBank. they said they are not exchanging the IQD yet. but the guy on the phone said they are waiting for an update on the rate. Aufs Neue. there will be no fanfare. This week is an interesting week. post 3 of 3 12-22-2016 Intel Guru Frank26 There is another set of numbers. (total of 3 by the way). These numbers will deal with the budget paying its bills loans. It is part of a float. but the float will catapult the price of oil even further. The 1st numbers will deal with the debtdeficit that they have. The 2nd set of numbers will pay for their bills. Neither of these numbers have been reached. noch. The number of the oil in the contract is what matters. The 1st set of numbers should be in the budget at 1 to 1. (for 3 months). The float that goes into the 2nd set of numbers (that goes into the contracts). The 3rd set of number. (towards the end of 3 months) . these deal with the numbers that are CAPPED. . as oil floats. the rate will also float. post 2 of 3. stay tuned 12-22-2016 Intel Guru Frank26 The 2017 budget is signed. but if itrsquos not fueled properly. it wonrsquot accomplish anything. The usage of its OWN currency in needed. . historically. and for the first time it is signed and ready to launch based on certain numbers. we have calculated the numbers that are necessary that must be in the budget. The price of OIL is not the only factor. but IMO. is the LARGEST factor. the oil prices in December will climb to around 60. and in 3 months. around March 2017. we should see it in 100 to 120 range. then in the summer it will go back down around 60. The budget needs to maintain itself somewhere around 60. this number is what we are looking for with Brent and WTI oil. This budget is very close to being released. Calculations are to the point to where the budget is going to work. The number we came up with. IOO. will maintain the 1 to 1 rate. post 1 of 3. stay tuned 12-22-2016 IntelNewshound Guru Mnt Goat We know that Vietnam had a 5 year moratorium put on their currency as penalty for money laundering for China. This was done around 2011. Then they signed up for with the IMF much like Iraq is now experiencing in its SBA. They have made great progress and are moving forward very quickly. In fact it is almost unbelievable what progress they too have made. They too, like Iraq, are under the IMF ldquosustainabilityrdquo reforms. Do you know the Dong almost revalued in the past to a significant amount, but due to corruption was held back. So like Iraq this period is coming to an end as the needed financial reforms are kicking in. 12-22-2016 Intel Guru ADMINBILL SOME FEEL, WITH BANKING CONNECTIONS THAT IT IS ANY MOMENT . STILL OTHERS BELIEVE BY FRIDAY IS NOT DOABLEhellip. THE 26TH AND BEYOND BEING MORE REALISTIC. 12-22-2016 Newshound Guru Aggiedad77 This is all solely my opinion. but I got to thinking about the price of oil. the 60barrel price is key . the reason so. IMO. is that the 60 price is Brent Crude price. it is always. always higher priced than the Iraqi oil will be per barrel. So at 60barrel Brent. break-even maybe. hopefully for the Iraqi budget. above that point. gravy rolling in for the Iraqis . sure we pay more at the pump as it goes up. but this is an instance where I wouldnt mind that if it brings on an RV for the world. again all IMO. 12-21-2016 Intel Guru RayRen98 Everything in Iraq looking extremely well and moving right along. On Monday two banks were now buying and selling dinar. Rates not favorable but capability was there . This was a 180 degree turn. A powerful thing to happen for what we were looking for. An International traded currency. That needed to take place. Now, just looking for the value to change. This is a strong indication. Now five banks and possibly six banks. Wersquove checked and rechecked these five banks. CURRENT WINDOW: They (banks) have information circulating to them to be ready to exchange customers before Christmas. If itrsquos not by Christmas. I expect it one or two days after. We waited for it to be International. For all intents and purposes that is done. Now we are waiting on the rates. 12-21-2016 Newshound Guru Adam Montana Now, of that 30 trillion in cash that is floating around, how much of that is held by people who are wanted for crimes How much of it is simply lost, out of the country, held in a safe somewhere and simply will not be able to be cashed, before the large notes are declared dead I think it stands to reason that an EASY 50 of that number will simply vanish and not have any influence on what the CBI is liable for during the Cash In phase. There is a lot more to say about it, but thats a good starting point. Bottom line for me is that cash number doesnt concern me at all. post 2 of 2 12-21-2016 Newshound Guru Adam Montana I have seen many articles stating that there is about 30 Trillion dinar in chunky cash (under the mattress) inside Iraq. How is possible for the CBI to increase the dinar exchange rate with 30Trillion dinars inside Iraq That figure gets thrown around a lot, but theres no way to prove or know WHO has that physical cash or WHERE it actually is. regardless, I can put that worry to rest VERY quickly. How much of that money is in large bills A LOT. And how quickly could the CBI declare large notes NULL and VOID It could easily be done in 30 days. post 1 of 2. stay tuned 12-21-2016 Newshound Guru loop Article quote: the Central Bank of Iraq has performed over the past year more than the actions taken for (13) years past in terms of procedures and regulations set by the central bank . HUGE STATEMENT. Second time an outside advisor has said that they are taking care of business and working overtime. 12-21-2016 Newshound Guru Adam Montana Article: World Bank Iraq describes a worlds richest nations on earth Even though theres no RV to report, I sure do love it when we get reminded that Iraq is truly one of the wealthiest countries in the world, their currency just needs to catch up . 12-21-2016 Newshound Guru loop (new guru) Article: World Bank Iraq describes a worlds richest nations on earth Quotes: Description of the World Bank, Iraq one of the richest countries in the world on the face of the earth . Iraq is one of the richest countries on earth, Iraq has a huge potential, Iraq has the ability to pay its debts . Who said this Middle East director of the World Bank Farid Belhaj. . BOOM HUGE STATEMENT. I cannot recall a time where an official representative of the World Bank has come out with a statement like this . HUGE HUGE HUGE. 12-21-2016 Intel Guru Bruce Iraq been done. Their LD been out in the provinces. They have made a lot of progress. Some of the story has to do with the information of the liberation of Mosul which we understand is liberated now. For some reason they havenrsquot really put that out on the news. I understand that probably will change here pretty quickly. Some things were done to sort of level the playing field with the rest of the Tier 1 banks other than Wells Fargo in this country. Also the other banks got the opportunity to work with their existing customer bases on some currency. They had some buy and sell opportunities with the Dinar. I believe our little slight wait we have right now has to do with trading the dinar and getting that currency and possibly the Dong up a bit higher before it is revealed to us. 12-21-2016 Intel Guru Frank26 The IMF worked very, very hard with Iraq to maintain their numbers, MCP and to remove their restrictions on their currency to become internationally accepted. If banks are now selling the IQD. how long does the UST expect the American banks to hold-on to this basically worthless currency Smells very strong of an RV. doesnrsquot it To show NO RESTRICTIONS. means Article 8 have evaporated. All they need to do is raise the value of their currency. IMO ndash this year. 2016. My new time line is the 20th to the 26th of this month. With the budget coming out to the internationally world by December 31st. IMO ndash the US Treasury is very happy. hence why the IQD is being made available in the American banks. I see international compliance. accepted before the RV of their currency. (thatrsquos the RI). . IMO. they have completed the RI IMO. it is the RV that is next. There was no announcement of these American banks with the IQD (no memo) Very few knew about it. No announcements. It just happens. So will the RV.

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